The next day Stacie got to math class and sat down in her seat. Jared came in soon after her and sat down. They talked briefly. The teacher walked in and after a brief explanation of the paper called on Stacie to pass out that days assignment. Stacie got up and started going around the classroom passing out papers. She finished after much whispering and sat back down next to Jared. They got started on the assignment and didn't talk for about ten minutes. Stacie had to help Jared on a problem he was stuck on. They started talking and finished the worksheet. Stacie leaned against Jared and rambled on about her favorite tv shows. He listened intently and promised to watch them. The bell rang and they went to their different classes.
Ficción GeneralStacie lives a normal life in a monochrome world. She doesn't see the infamous colors and she doesn't really care. That all changes when one day out of the blue her life flashes to life for a moment in her school's hallway. Now with the help of her...