Chapter 2

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She got to class on time and sat down in her assigned seat. She pulled her book out as Kaitlyn and her friends walked in and sat down all around her. She still hadn't completely forgiven her teacher for making her sit in that group. Mrs.Gallagher thought she needed to make friends and to interact with other people. She stared at the book to avoid looking like she wasn't doing anything while she tried to process what had just happened. When all of Kaitlyn's friends arrived they started talking about the colors. Kaitlyn had started an untrue rumor that she had seen them last night with her boyfriend. Stacie couldn't help but overhear them talking and put off thinking about what she had just seen (she was still sort of in shock about the whole thing). "I wonder how many people believed it" said Kaitlyn in a whisper. "I think everyone either believed it or were curious" said someone Stacie didn't know.

Stacie stopped listening soon after that (they had started talking about going rollerskating on Friday) and tried to read her book. She found it nearly impossible to not think about what she had seen in the hallway. Somewhere in the building was the person she was meant to be with and she didn't know who it was or how to find them. She decided to tell Victoria at lunch and see what she thought.

The class dragged on. She did her work silently and quickly so she could work on her homework during class (her teacher let them do their homework if they finish all of their class work). She finished before Kaitlyn and all of her friends were on the third page. It wasn't that hard, they were just talking. When she was done with her homework she pulled out her book and tried to read. She had decided to not give the hall incident much thought until lunch but it proved to be a difficult undertaking. She was finally able to get her mind off of it when Kaitlyn and her friends started asking for help. She just pointed out the obvious things that they missed and that was about it but, it was a distraction. This only took up the thirty minutes at the beginning of class before they went to lunch.

When they got to the cafeteria she walked quickly to the line to get her lunch. She scanned the lunch room for Victoria before finally spotting her in the opposite line. She waved and got her attention. She pointed to a table to indicate that she was going to sit there (their usual table was full) and Victoria nodded.

Stacie got her lunch and went over to the table and waited for Victoria. It was about two minutes until Victoria got her lunch and sat down. When she got to the table, Stacie had figured out what to say but when it came time to say it her mind failed her and she forgot everything she was going to say. Victoria could tell something was up. "What happened" she asked, seeing the slightly worried expression on Stacie's face. "I...I think I saw the colors this morning" said Stacie. Victoria's jaw dropped open and she just looked at her with an expression of mingled awe and excitement until she could think again (which took a good thirty seconds). "Wha... what" she stammered. "I.. Im not sure," Stacie babled "but I saw a bright flash in the hallway and no one else saw it and... I, I'm pretty sure it was the colors from what I have heard." Victoria seemed to have frozen holding her milk. "Victoria?" asked Stacie. "Do you know what this means!" asked Victoria, snapping out of her state. "That the person who I'm supposed to be with (Stacie felt weird saying soulmate) is in this school" said Stacie hesitantly. "Yes!" Victoria almost shouted. "Shhh, I haven't told anyone else" Stacie said, quieting her. "What was it like?" asked Victoria. "Bright... I dunno, I only saw it for a split second" said Stacie trying to recall the moment. "What are you going to do? You have to find him" said Victoria as she took a bite of her pizza. "And how am I gonna do that?" asked Stacie with a worried look on her face. "Come to my house after school and we'll come up with a plan to find him" said Victoria with an assuring voice. "Okay" said Stacie, feeling a little better now that she had told someone. They ate lunch and talked until they had to go back to class.

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