Chapter 11

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 “About ten minutes away now” He says smiling like crazy still, I can’t take him seriously. I start laughing and I can’t stop. I look at my phone trying to distract myself and I notice Liz has tagged me in a tweet. I press it and it says “Currently in a taxi with @ArianaGrande and she is hysterically laughing while the driver is obsessing, shh.” This makes me laugh more. “haha I love you Liz” I say and I notice in my mentions that fans have made me and Liz a shipping name ‘Eliana’ I am literally in tears with laughter and I show Liz and she starts to laugh too. I feel so happy I seem to forget this is our last time together.

We thank and pay the taxi driver, he insists that we don’t pay but we make sure that he gets the money.. Also the autographs for his children! “Thanks so much, you don’t know how much this will mean to them” He says really happy. “Awww” We say walking off in the direction to the entry of the beach.

The soft sand under my feet feels lovely. Summer seems to be on its way early this year! I know I will miss this place like crazy and I will miss Liz, also all my friends and my old job. Maybe good things are to come though, like my mom says. Mom always does know best. I try push this aside but no matter what Liz says or we do today I am hardly concentrating.

“Ariana why aren’t you answering me?” Liz disturbs my thoughts with a tone of annoyed to her voice. “Sorry I was daydreaming” I say hugging her. I can’t believe I just forgot that Liz is here with me. Which leads me to another thought. “If I did go out looking for jobs with you do you think I could have got a part in that tv show with you?” I ask curiously. “Yes you would have” Liz says like she is completely sure “What brought you thinking of that anyway?” Liz questions when I don’t reply. “Oh I just wondered” I mumble sighing. But this conversation has got awkward and I try hard to change it. Don’t want to ruin this special day.

“Where shall we sit?” I wonder still dragging my feet through the gorgeous sand. “Under the wall somewhere hot!” Liz says enthusiastically. “Okay” I giggle and off we head that way. All the discussions seem awkward, I don’t even know why. There isn’t really a real reason. I am just really sad. I try to hold my emotions in but its getting harder the more silence there is.

Another few minutes pass off walking to find a spot and I start singing, Liz joins into the song singing with me and to my astonish for the few minutes that last I find myself smiling and it comes across in my voice. I know she is smiling too though I need to find courage to look at her. When it finishes I dread the quiet but instead Liz tackles me to the ground pleased and hugging me “This is a nice spot to sit” She remarks. Finally we are back to normal.

The day passes really quickly and before I know it I am hugging my best friend goodbye. It hurts hurts a lot. But once she turns and walks away I try my hardest not to cry. “Visit me one day” I shout after her. “I’ll keep in touch” She says but she doesn’t turn around and I can hear the croak in her voice. I turn my heels and walk because I need to go home and finish packing ready to leave tomorrow. “Taxi” I shout while putting my hand in the air. Someone stops and I get in “La town centre apple berry lane” I say and he starts driving. I feel like I can’t give my real address out incase anything happens so I always give out a fake one which is a short walk from my house.

I get out my phone and message Jai “Miss you babe” I send and he replies with a “J” I feel scared like does he still like me? But then he adds “I miss you too” and I know he does. I can’t wait to hold him in my arms. It will be a surprise and I wonder what he will say. I really want to tweet and tell my fans about moving but I can’t because then Jai would find out. Anyway I can always tweet about how I have moved once Jai knows.

When I arrive home I see mom waiting for me and Frankie “hey” I say acting happily. They look concerned but don’t say anything. “Sooo” I say trying to stir up a conversation. “Hello Ari” Mum replies finally. She looks worried and she bursts into tears. “What ever is wrong?” I say running up to her and shoving my arm around her neck. Frankie doesn’t react to mum he seems to be in his own world and then he says “I am not moving with you two” but his face is blank. “Oh” I say but I already knew that he wasn’t, well I didn’t know but I did assume that because he has a job here and I wouldn’t want t take that away from him. “Mum he will visit all the time” I say smiling. “As often as he would here you know?” “Not that often” Joan says.

Ever since he started his job I didn’t see him all the time, I am used to the time apart. But I suppose it is harder for a parent, a single handed mum who has now got to go to another country. “Be excited! Its tomorrow” I mumble because I feel kind of excited for meeting Jai, little nervous of course. Frankie smiles. “Ariana is right mum, don’t be sad” “But I have to leave my son and go to another country and get new friends” She says then she probably feels a little silly. “It’s like you are the little girl and I am your mum” I say starting to chuckle.

“Sorry about crying” mom says wiping her eyes. “I am just nervous thats all” “yes” I say to mom. “I wouldn’t want Frankie to quit his job anyway, he is just becoming a real star” Mum says hiding her sad now and smiling like a proud mum should. “Need any last minute help packing Ariana?” Mum gestures. “no I am going to go do it, you two spend some time together” I walk out the room smiling. “Don’t be to long I want you to join us!” They shout after me.

Just as I get to my room my phone rings and seeing the name of the caller makes butterflies in my stomache fly crazy. “Hey Jai” I try say casually but you can hear in my voice that I have a huge smile across my face. “Ariana!” He says and I can hear the smile on his face. “How are you?” I mumble starting to shove some last things into my travelling bag for tomorrow. The rest will be sent off and get to our house for us. “Fine and yourself?” Jai states.

It’s funny because we have talked on the phone a few times but I get the same warm feeling inside every time we do. “Good thank you” I say giggling. “I want to meet you already it’s not fair” he says. “Oh you will” I accidently let slip out and he sounds panicked “what?” “Well don’t you want too?” I feel hurt. “No of course I do I just need to get enough money to come to America that’s all I am worried about” He says and his voice sounds sad and hushed. “Don’t worry, I am sorry” I sigh. “Please can I just hug you?” He goes back to normal which I find a relief. “Yes please” and I start hugging my pillow pretending it’s him. “Ariana are you there?” Jai disrupts my thoughts.”Yes just hugging my pillow” I blush when I realise what I said. “I will too” which makes me less embarrassed.

“Anyway got any plans for tomorrow?” He changes the subject. I stay silent. I don’t want to tell him I am moving. “No” I breathe out heavily “is coming wrong?” He sounds concerned. “No” I say “anyway what are you doing tomorrow?” I smile down the phone. “Just making more videos with the boys” he says laughing. “Oh what now?” I laugh back to him. “That’s a surprise” “okay” I roll my eyes jokingly not that he can see anyway.

“Ariana can you come down stairs now? whats taking you so long?” I can hear mum shouting up the stairs. “Jai I have to go, text you later” I say rushed. “Okay baby” he replies understandingly. “Love you” I say while hanging up the phone.

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