Chapter 44- Broken Family

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Justin's P.O.V

I sat there, my leg shaking rapidly against the floor, my fist covering my mouth, my elbows to my knees and my jaw was clenched as I stare at a random guy play with my son. I glare at the sight of him making my baby boy happy, making him laugh the most adorable laugh I have ever heard. I shake my head as I stand up and make my way into the kitchen where Jessica was. When I walk in she is making hot coco, she looks up at me then carries back on with what she was doing. I go and sit on the counter she's working on beside her and watch her as she avoids me, avoids my gaze, avoids my questions that I have running through my brain at 100 mph every second. "Who is he?" I asked after a while, my jaw still slightly clenched. "His name is Nathan." Was all she said as she placed the pot with water in it on the stove to boil. "Why is here? Why did my son call him his father?!" I said, getting a little loud. She flinched slightly and my face softened. "C'mere." I mumbled as I pulled her into my chest and rested my chin on her head as I stood up. "I'm sorry for getting loud, I'm just really lost right now." I mumbled as I kissed her head. She just nodded as she pushed away from me and I sighed. "I hope you know that unlike you, Nathan was there. And he never left from the moment he met us Justin. He is a better father than you could ever be." She spat as she pushed me away as I tried to bring her into my arms again. Something in me completely shattered at those words. I stare at her, my jaw clenched once again. "Take it back." I said lowly, my fist balled at my sides, my breathing getting a little quicker and heavier. She shook her head, "Why would I take back something that's true? Huh Justin?" She asked me. I felt myself slowly giving in, slowly giving into my anger. "Jessica Marie Bieber, take it back now damn it!" I said as my fist collides with the counter, she jumps. "You're not okay Justin. You're sick!" She screamed, tears forming in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. "You did this to us Justin! You! You made us all miserable, you caused us so much heartbreak and pain! I'm sick of putting my kids through this crap! You were supposed to be my Knight in shining armor, Nathan ended up being my superman Justin. You let another man come into my life and give me more closure than you! You are my husband!" She screamed. "You were supposed to fight for us." She whispered quietly. "What do you think I came back here for, huh Jessica? Tell me what you think I'm doing here!" I screamed back. "Buying them all these gifts won't make them happy Justin! All they want is you! Toys can only make them happy temporarily but you were supposed to be permanent! You can't buy their love Justin! You can't make your way into this house, get them whatever they want, then expect everything to be absolutely perfect!" She screamed back. I take in a deep breath and right then the door to the kitchen opens and 'Nathan' walked in. "I'm just getting some water for the kids." He whispered mainly to Jessica. She nodded at him, then went back to staring at me. "Thank you Nathan." She whispered as he took two glasses of water and filled them up, soon making his way out of the kitchen and to the kids room I guess. Leaving me and Jessica alone once again.

Nathan's P.O.V

"Here you go you guys." I mumbled quietly as I make my way into the room that Ethan and Amelia shared, they were both in the same bed, I'm guessing because of the way they heard Jessica and Justin fighting downstairs. I hand them the water they asked for and they thanked me. I sit down at the edge of their bed after grabbing Nicolas from the crib that was in this room also and begin feeding him as I lay between them so that I'm in the middle and Ethan is on my right side and Amelia on the left side. "Why is mommy and Justin screaming?" Amelia asked me. I sighed, "I don't really know princess, but they'll work it out. I promise." I said as I kissed her head. She nodded and leaned against my arm. I look over at Ethan. "How you feeling bud?" I asked him. He shrugged, staring at the glow in the dark stars that decorated the room. "Aye, you know it's okay to talk to someone, especially me. It's better to talk then to let everything in and just consume it until one day you just can't hold it in anymore." I said. He sighed. "Is it okay to be scared?" He asked me. I nodded and noticed that Nicholas had finished his bottle, then laid him down in my arms against my chest, waiting for him to fall asleep on his own as he played with my fingers. "Of course." I say to Ethan as I give him my full attention. "Everyone's scared of something." I added. "What are you scared of?" He asked me curiously. "I'm kind of scared to mess up. I'm scared to mess up with you guys or your mom. I love y'all and I don't want y'all to go through any more pain. I never want to lose y'all." I whispered as I ruffled his hair and kiss his head. Every word that left my mouth was the truth. I was scared is screwing up the close relationship I had developed with the kids and Jessica. And I never wanted to lose that or them. Ever. "What are you scared of?" I asked him. He took in a breath, "I'm scared of Justin."....

Justin's P.O.V

"Say it again. I dare you." I challenged Jessica through gritted teeth. "Nathan is more of a father than you will ever be." She said for the third time that night after I brought it up and said she wouldn't have said it again. She did. My anger took over me. All I saw was red and I couldn't control myself. I hear a slap like sound and a thud and I look on the ground to see Jessica, holding her right cheek that I could tell was red already and tears coming out of her eyes as she looked at me. Nothing but fear as she backed away to the corner. My face immediately softened. I just hit my wife. My hands shook. My whole body shook with emotion as I tried to kneel down and gather her in my arms. She screamed as she backed away but couldn't go anywhere because of the cabinets behind her. She looked at me with teary eyes. "Jess- baby I'm- I'm so so sorry I don't kn-" I was cut off by Nathan running into the kitchen, I'm guessing from Jessica screaming. When he sees her on the floor, clutching her now red side of her face, his eyes widened then anger takes over them as he looks over at me. "What did you do?!! Are you f*cking stupid?" He spat as he got in my face. Before I could respond, tears streaming down my face at the fact that I hurt my wife, my true love, I feel a blow to my right eye. I fall from impact and I feel kicks to my stomach. I groan in pain but accept it. I deserved it anyways. "How do you like it now motherf*cker?!" He asked as he continued to beat me. I hear Jessica screaming at him to stop and she pulls him off, he looks at me, then cups Jessica's face, observing her. His fingers brush over the bruise that was forming because of me and she flinches. They leaned in, and of course, they kissed. Right in front of me. I felt daggers in my knife. I felt even worse than the physical condition I was currently in. It was way to much pain for me, for anyone. The last thing I see is them pulling apart and staring into each other's eyes before I completely black out. This broken little family that looked normal on the outside but when you see through the walls and secrets and scars, and ask yourself what the hell was wrong with us, was mine.

And I was the one that did all the breaking....


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