Its not the american average (James Cassells FanFic)

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I wait by the phone, for the call that could change my life. "Oh, my god, Jessie! Its ringing!" I yell to my roommate. "So answer it." She laughs. "Hello?" I say as i answer. "Is this Alex Messing?" The man on the phone asks. "This is she." I say. There is a pause. "Congratz, you have been accepted into warped tour." He says. "Really?" I asks happily. "Yes. Come get on your bus by tuesday." He says before he hangs up.

"So....?" Jessie asks, wanting some details. "Im in!" I yell. She runs over and hugs me. "I'll call Joel." She says. My smile fades, unlike the bruses he gave me yesterday. "I'll tell him. I'll go to his house." I say. I put on my jacket and comb my fire truck red hair and leave. If i dont tell him, he'll get upset and hit me. I know, i know, i should leave him. Its just not that simple. I just remeber when we first started dating and hopefully, he will act like that again.

"Hi joel." I say as i walk in the door. "Hey Alex." He says. I hug him for a minute. "So whats up?" He asks. "I got in!" I tell him happily. He just looks at me. "Oh, you did." He says. He kisses me and then looks at me blankly. "Did you ask if i could come, so i know you're not going to cheat on me?" He asks. "What makes you think i would cheat on you?" I ask. "I love you, but your a whore. So did you asks." He says more sternly. My hands start shaking. "N-o, but im sure you can come." I stutter out. Im terrified by the fact he is alarmingly calm. "And what if i cant go?" He asks, as if its a test. "Then, you can come see one for the shows?" I suggest. He half laughs and smiles. He then back hands me, sending me to the floor.

"Your so fucking selfish! You would leave me here? The only one who cares?" He yells as i wipe the blood from my lip. He takes my phone and re- dials the number. "Hello, can Mrs. Messing bring a guest on warped tour?" He asks as if nothing happened. "She can? Great thank you." He hangs up the phone and points at me. "You got lucky, bitch." He says. He then sees the blood comming from my lip. "Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I lost my temper again." He says as he wipes my lip. "Its going to swell, what to i tell everyone?" I ask emotionlessly. "Tell them... you got hit in the face with a door knob at that stuipd coffee shop you play at." He says as he returns to watching t.v

I drive back to my apartment and pack alot of clothes. I need stuff to perform in, stuff to sleep in and stuff to just hang out in. I want to make alot of new friends on this tour, because i really dont have any. Joel wont allow me to talk to other guys. "Jenna come take a picture with me." Jessie says. I juat give her a funny look. "Why?" I ask. "Because i want a pic with the next big rockstar." She says. I roll my eyes and take a picture with her. "When do you get your bus." She asks. "Tuesday." I bluntly reply. She runs and helps pack my bags. "But its sunday! You have alot to do." She says as she makes a list of things we have to do for this tour.

Jessie decides to take me shopping to buy some rad new clothes. "So, who is going on warped this year?" She asks me. "Uhh, sleeping with sirens, asking alexandria, nevershoutnever, hawthorn heights. A whole bunch." I say. "Wait. Doesnt asking alexandria only go to the UK warped tour?" She asks as she sufdles through tee shirts. "Ussualy, but i guess they are going this year." I roll my eyes, because i dont really like them. Dont get me wrong, their music is great. But i hear they are all huge assholes.

We leave the store with two newnpairs of jeans each. Also, i bought new make up so i dont look hidious on stage. I smile at that thought, me, on stage. And at least a few people will like me. I go home and Joel is in our apartment, because he made me give hime a key. "Hey babe." I say as i kiss him. "Where were you?" He asks in a nice tone. He will only ever be mean when we are alone, but when we are with others, he is realll sweet. "We went shopping." Jessie says. He nodds and says "Alex, can i talk to you. Out side?" He asks. Jessie makes a bad face. She knows something is up with us, but she cant guess what and she knows if she asks i'll lie.

I follow him out to the hall of our apartment complex. "What did you get." He asks normaly. "Jeans." I reply. "Ok, i dont want you to be prancing around like a whore on stage." He says with a laugh. This makes me really pissed. "Im not a fucking whore." I say. He looks at me. "What did you just say to me?" He asks, kind of like a parent would if their child sassed them. "I said, im. Not. A. Fucking. Whore." I say each word slowly, and now i relized i just screwed myself. "How dare you talk to me that way!" He says. I put my arms infront of my face and he squeezes my wrists tight. "If you ever speak to me like that again, you'll be sorry. Fucking bitch." He says the last sentence as he walks away from me.

We both walk inside like nothing happened. I've been with him for years, so i have a good pokerface now. "What happened." Jessie asks lightly, trying to make sure i was ok. "Oh, i was just making sure that her clothes were appropreat for warped tour." He says. When someone asks him what happens to me, he ussualy tells most of the truth. "Oh, ok. I wouldnt want anyone looking at my best friend that way either." She says, trying to lighten the mood. "Tomarrow im going grocery shopping while im still here so you will eat while im gone." I joke with her. I just want to go somewhere by myself. "Ok, thank you." She says.

The next day i leave for the store as soon as possible. I run to tops to buy some random stuff. Bananas, coke, chips, peppers, ramen. Just stuff to fill the cupboards. I see a couple buying a wedding cake. They remind me of how joel and i were the first year and a half, then things slowly went down hill. I just hope that it doesnt happen to them. I get in my car and drive home. Today will be my last Day with Jessie, and we've been friends since the fourth grade. I'm going to miss her.

I open the door and turn on the lights. Suddenly a crowd of people yell "Surprize!" and a huge smile grows on my face. Everyone is here. My friends who work at the coffee shop i would play in, my college friends, even my parents. They didnt think this music carrer would amount to anything. "We're so proud of you." My mother says as she hugs me. "Thank you." I say. Its nice to finaly hear them encourage me. "I bought you this necklace." Joel says as he wraps his arms behind me and hands me a box. Its a necklace that has a J on it. "Thank you." I say as i kiss him.

We walk around, Joel hovering me as always, and i say goodbye to all of my friends. "Im so happy for you, Alex." My friend Chris says as he hugs me. "Im proud of my girlfriend too." Joel says, hinting for me to stop hugging him. "Well good luck, i know you always did well at the coffee shop." He says as he walks away to talk to someone else. "Alex!" Jessie says as she walks over to me. "Jessie, this was perfect. Thank you." I say as i hug her. "Im going to miss you." She says on the verge of tears. "Dont worry, once all these people leave, we'll have ine of our old sleep overs." I say. We then go and enjoy the rest of the party.

When the last person, Joel leaves, we put on our pajamas, make popcorn and watch juno. "What happened to your lip?" Jessie asks, noticing the swelling. "Oh, i got hit in the face with a door at the coffee shop." I lie. "You're a real klutz." She laughs i laugh with her. "So its just going to be you and Joel, all summer?" She asks, clearly nervous. "Yeah, it will be romantic." I lie again. After the movie was finnaly over, i go to bed, ready for my first warped tour.

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