hunny hush your lips

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When i wake up in the morning, i'm on cloud 9. Im going to warped tour, and for the first time in my 22 years, i wont be in the audience. I will be preforming my heart out. My life is better than ever. Hopefully, I'll get the old Joel, the one i met four years ago back. I really think my life is falling into place, and im ready to star a new on this tour.

Jessie wakes up and she's already crying. "I'm gonna miss you." She says as she hugs me, almost cutting me off from air. "Its just for the summer, i'll be back in september." I laugh as i hug her, back. "I'm going to be all alone!" She crys. "Come and see me when we come to town." I tell her. "Ok, i'll look for the stage that says 'Alexandra Messing' on it." She says as she laughs. "No more crying, this is a good thing." I tell her. Then she gets all serious. "If you have and trouble with joel, tell someone." She warns me. I nodd and hug her goodbye.

I park in front of Joels house right on time. He comes out with five huge siut cases. "Good job babe, you made it on time." He says as he gets into the car. He kisses me and sits in the passenger seat so we can drive to wherever it is they keep the buses. Wow, i get my own bus. This is really great.

We pull up to the bus garage and a producer is telling everyone what bus they need to get to. I put my fire red hair up in a bun because its hot and my hair is really long. "Messing and Guest, your bus is number 45. Your right behind the Asking Alexandria bus. I sigh. I'm not going to get much sleep with all their parties, they probably wont even invite us. I put my car in the storage unit and grab all eight bags and attept to carry them to my bus.

Half way to the bus i drop all the bags. Luckily, nothing fell out, but from on my bus you can hear Joel screaming "Come the fuck on!" Throught the window. I try to pick them all up but there is too many. "Want some help." I hear a deep brittish voice ask. I look up and see a buff-ish guy with tattoos and brown hair. I get a little flustered. "Uh, y-yes please." I get out. He gets two bags in each hand. "Im James, by the way." He says. "Hey, im Alex. I would shake your hand but..." i trail off and laugh. He smiles and rests the bags outside my bus.

"Ok, well bye Alex, maybe i'll see you around." He says as he goes to talk to some other guys and i get onto my bus. "What the hell took you so long?" He complains. "I dropped your bags." I say. "Why? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asks. "I got them up, some dude helped me." I say quickly. "Oh, so you break my shit and you talk to other guys behind my back." He says. "I didnt break anything." I say. At least, i hope i didnt. "If anything is broken, you'll be sorry." He says as he unzips his bags.

He unzips the last bag and the smell of cologne goes into the air. "Alex, come here." He says sternly. I dont move, terrified like a derr in headlights. He walks over to me and grabs the back of my neck and pulls me to this suit case. He almost shoves my face in the glass. "Look at what you did. You're buying me a new bottle." He says. The then pushes me extreemly hard, sending me into the bunks and i hit my head on the ledge. "Im sorry, that was un called for." He says emotionlessly as he picks me up.


"Today is my first show." I say as i sit on Joels lap. "Thats great babe." He says. "This road is really bumpy." I say to Joel. He just ignores me and continues watching the game on T.V . Suddenly, the bus comes to a quick hault. "What the hell is going on?" Joel asks. "I dont know, stay here i'll go find out." I say as i get up to investigate.

"Hey, frank, whats goin on." I ask our old bus driver. He just looks at me sad. "I drove this bus ever since it was made, wich was a long time ago. I think she'll have to be junked." He says, as if it were his child. "So we dont have a bus now?" I say sadly. Joel then comes over. "So are we.going er what." He asks callously. "The bus is broke, for good." I say. "Oh, well thats fucking great." He mutters. The manager comes over and looks. "Yeah, this bus is shit." He says. "So do i just go home?" I ask sadly. "No, no. You'll ride with another act." He says as he pulls out a walkie talkie. "Asking bus, Asking bus, we need you here. This bus is dead." He mutters into it and before we know it, the Asking Alexandria bus is here, to be our home. For the rest of the summer.

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