Back on track.

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I wake up, from a good dream. It was about james propsing to me.Im finaly heathy again. I can do shows, hang out with my friends and go on real dates with james. I wake up and get dressed. I put on a little sundress from hottopic. Its black and has roses and skulls on it.

"Good morning, beautiful." James says as he hops out of his bunk. "Good morning." Insay as i walk over to him and kiss him. We kiss for a while, because all the guys are still asleep. "Your first set scince the hispital." He says. I smile and kiss him again. "Im so exited." I say. He smiles and go make him some breakfast. "Oh, thank you, love." He says as i hand him a plate of eggs. He kisses my cheek and goes to eat.

I know that someone has to, so i go and wake up all the other guys. "Ben, wake up." I say as i shake him a liitle. He rolls over and looks at me. "Bitch." He mumbles and gets up. I laugh and wak over to the next bunk. "Cam. Get up." I say. He slowly wakes up. I go to the next one. "Sam. Time to get up." I say. He acctualy gets up quicly. "Danny, wake up." I say as i shake him. He ignores me. "Dan. Get up." I say louder. He still doesnt listen. "If you dont wake up, i'll dump cold water on you." I threat. He hops up. "Fine." He says.

I go to the stage, holding James' hand. "Ok, good luck, Alex." He says. I hug him quickly before running on stage. "Hey guys. First song, Invincable love." I say as i start singing the words. I look over to james and see him singing alon with me. I smile and sing even harder. I do 9 more songs and im done. I meet up with james after my set.

"You did great." He says. I smile and give him a kiss, when someone takes our picture. "Thats going on the cover of the magazine." Some man says as he walks way. "Uhh, who was that?" I ask. "The press." James says, he doesnt think its a big deal, but i'll get a bunch of shit for being with him. "Oh." Is all i say. I truly care about him, so i have to get over myself.

"So Alex, theres a party tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to go." James says with his hands on my hips, pulling me close to him. "I'd love to." I say. We go to his stage with the other guys. "Oh, Alex is here to cheer us on." Danny says as walks over to us. "You'll do great." I say. James kisss me and him and all the other guys run up and do a great set.

After the set, we all walk back to the bus together. "So you're going to the party right?" Ben asks. "Yep." I say. I go into my bunk and check my E-magazine subscriptions. "Uh, James. Look at this." I say as i show it to him. Its the picture of us kissing. It says. "James Cassells, shacking up with bus mate." James read it. "Who the hell wrote that?" He asks. All the guys read it too. "Im sorry, Alex." He says as he pulls me onto his lap. "Im okay, as long as you want people to know we're dating." I say. He smiles. "We'll i get to say your all mine now." I smile and blush.

I get ready for the party. I put on a tank top and shorts. The guys just were what they did on stage. James only weres jeans and shoes. I laugh at him. "I hate wearing shirts." He laughs. We walk over to the tent where they are holding a party.

James makes me my favorite drink. "Thanks babe." I say as i drink some. "Hey, im going to go see Ausin for a minute, are you ok?" He asks. I nodd and he goes to see Austin. I see some woman walk in with the picture of me and James. "Is this you." She says to me. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "Ok, well, James is my boyfriend." She says. I can feel my heart breaking. "W-what?" I ask. "He told me he couldnt bring me on tour, they wouldnt let him." She says. I then run back to the bus, crying. He lied to me. It feels like the butterflies he gave me, are now eating me from the inside out, like he shot lead in my veins. Im truly hurt.

*James' pov*

I joke around with Austin untill Danny walks over to me. "Dude, stacy is here." He says. She is my phyco ex. "Oh my god. Why?" I ask, afraid she might do something wrong. "I dont know, but she has the photo of you and Alex." He says. I look around and i dont see Alex anywhere. What the fuck did Stacy do?

"Stacy, what are you doing and where's Alex?" I ask her sternly. "Who's Alex?" She asks. I take the photo and point to the beautiful girl im kissing. "Her. What did you say." I ask, now getting pissed. "I told her that you're mine. You always have been." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck. I take her arms and unwind them. "What the fuck is wrong with you." I say as i run to find Alex.

I check on the bus. All her things are missing. Her clothes, her books, her makeup, everything. I look in our bunk. She left a note, it read. "Thanks for everything, but i cant stay with you when you cheat on me" I sit down. I dont know whatto do. "What the hell are you doing?" Cam asks. "She's gone. I dont know

where she is." I say. "Get up you wanker. She's playing on the tour so she's just on another bus." He says. I get up and run to each bus, checking for Alex.

*Alex's POV*

I take my things and go to the bus of my good friend Jack Barakat. He'd let me crash there for a while. I knock on the door and he answers. "Hey Alex!" He says. "Hey." I say with a fake half smile. "Whats wrong?" He asks. "James and i broke up, he cheated on me." I say. Jack comes and hugs me. "I'm sorry Alex. You deserve better than that." He says. I nodd and say thanks. "I could be what you need." He says. I look at him. "What?" I say. "Alex. I love you, and now you see that james isnt right for you, maybe i am." He says, and at that moment i am torn.


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