falling isnt a slow process

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I go onto the bus and take a shower, becuase im a little sweaty. "Can i come in." Joel says. "No, im in the shower." I tell him. He comes in anyway. "What are you doing? Get out." I say. As he steps in the shower. He loks at my body, the fist shaped bruses and the scars he left on me. "I've seen you before." He says like its no big deal, but i dont wank him in here. "Get out." I say asbi shove him out. He slips and falls out. Now im done. He punches me and i fall with my razor and i cut my arm. "Fuck." He murmers as he hands me a towel. He puts on clothes and finds me bandage. "Put this on when you get out. I love you." He says as he leaves.

I get out of the shower and i put on the bandage and the bleeding eventualy stops. I put on shorts and a light tank top. I do the same eyeliner, but no lipstick. I walk out of the bathroom and they guys notice my arm. "Whoa, what happened?" Danny asks. James walks over and sees the bandage and makes a sad face. "You dont hurt your self do you? Because you are way to beautiful for that." He says. I blush at the fact that he thinks im beautiful. "No, i slipped and i had my razor in my hands." I say. They breathe a sigh of relife. "Ready to go?" Ben asks and we all leave to the party.

We get to the tent and the music is pounding. "We have alot of friends here." James yells over the music. I laugh and follow him through the crowds so we can meet his friends. "Alex, this is My friend Austin." Danny says as he introduceas me to a verry tall man. "Hi, im Austin carlile, and this is my wife Jenna." (see my other fanfic) He says as he shakes my hand. "Hi." Jenna says as i shake her hand. "We have a baby, Darren. Our babysitter is on the bus with him." She tells me. I nodd as they talk to me and we meet other people.

"And this is stupid Andy." Ben says as we see another tall man, he has a deep voice. "Hello, im andy, im in black veil brides." He says. I shake his hand too. I look over to joel and he is pissed about something. When i am done talking to andy i go and see him. "Whats wrong baby?" I ask him. "Your paying attention to all these fags, and not me." He says. "They arnt fags." I defend my friends and the people i just met. "Fuck you, bitch." He says as he walks away from me.

*James' POV*

I walk over to Austin. "Is that the girl you said you were in love with?" He asks jokinly. I punch his shoulder lightly. "I didnt say i was in love with her, i kind fancy her a bit." I laugh. "But isnt that guy her boyfriend?" He asks. "Yeah, but something is off about him. I dont like him for some reason." I say as i watch him. "That reason is that he is dating the girl you love." Austin says. I shake my head. I know there is something wrong with him.

Danny then comes over.to join the party. "James! Are you going on about Alex again." He says. "No, im talking about Joe or Joel or whatever his name is." I say, still watching them. "You love her." He sings. "Whatever. Im going to get her a drink. What do youthink she likes?" I ask. Danny the squints his eyes and looks at Alex. "She likes cherry coke and rum." He says. We all just look at him. "How the fuck did you know that." Austin asks. "I can tell what people like just by looking at them. Its a gift." He says proud of himself.

I pour Alex her drink and walk over to her. "Here, you look sad." I say as i hand her the cup. "Thanks, how did you know i liked cherry and rum?" She asks smiling. "Lucky guess." I say, because i know there is no way danny knew that. "Well thanks." She says with a slight frown as she drinks her coke and rum. "So come on, tell me whats wrong." I ask her. She purses her lips, god she looks cute. "Joel is just being a dick." She says as she takes another big gulp. "Oh, im sorry." I say, unsure how to comfort her.

"So do you want to go to the shopping center with me tomarrow? I need new pants and i dont wanna go by my self." I asks quickly. "Uh, sure." She says. I smile big and we go and get a few more drinks together, that all i can really remeber, after that i black out.

*Alex POV*

I wake up on the sofa at about 9 am. I ook down and i see that i fell asleep in James' arms. I slowly unwrap his arms from my waist and go get dressed. I wanted to wear a crop top, but it shoes my briuses. So i put on a OM&M shirt and jeans. I do my ussual black winged eyeliner and i force a brush through my hair. I brush my teeth then leave the bathroom.

When i leave the bathroom, i see james, in a pair of tight jeans, pull on a grey v- neck. I feel the butterflies in my stomach, and i hate my self for it. Dont get me wrong, im not a cheating whore. Its just, Joel has a 'if i cant have you no one can' state of mind. So i am too afraid to leave him.

"Good morning." I say as i pass him. "Morning." He says with a cute smile. I blush a little. "Oh, no good morning for me?" Joel asks. "Good morning baby." I say as i kiss him. I can see james in the refection of the mirror, he rolls his eyes at us. "Now thats more like it." Joel says as he slaps my ass and sits on the couch.

"Ready to go?" James asks once he leaves the bathroom. "Whoa, whoa whoa, did you ask me if you can go?" Joel asks me. I shake my head. "She doesnt have to asks you. She's not your property." James says, clearly annoyed. I look up and smile at him. "Fine then, just fucking go." Joel says, really mas. "We will." James says as he moves me forward with a hand on my back.

We get in James rental car. "Why do you let him talk to you like that?" James asks me as he drives. "He doesnt ussualy do that, its just when he's hung over." I lie. James looks at me with half a smile that made my hear shudder. "Well just be careful." He says. I smile at him and rub my arm where the fresh bandage is. Oh James, dont you know, im already hurt.

We walk into the mall, and this one has alot of good stores. First we go into zumies, we each need some V necks. "How about this one?" James ask as he holds a pink v neck with cats on it, up to his chest. "Thats sexy." I joke. I grab a striped v neck and Jame sgets a red one and we pay and go to the next store.

"You wer'nt like i thought you'd be." James says. I give him a puzzled look. "How did you think i'd be like." I ask. He laughs. "I dont know. I thought you'd be up tight and no fun, most pretyy girls are." He says. His eye widen like when a child swears infront of their parents. Wait, did he call me pretty? I blush. "Yeah, well you wer'nt how i thought you'd be." I laugh. He looks at me and smiles. "Hoe did you think i was?" He asks. "I thought you would be this big alcoholic whore. Most band guy are." I laugh. He just looks at me ans says "I am thought." I smile and bump him verry lightly wit my hip. He does the same, but harded, hitting my briuse. I act like it doesnt hurtand we pay for our jeans.

At the end of the day, we both had a v neck and he had two pairs of pants. "I had alot of fun." I say with a smile. "Me too." He says as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "Hey Alex." Joel says as he almost shoves his tongue down my throat. James looks pissed. And so am i. "But really, we should hang out again." I say. He smiles and nodds. "Im going to bed. We have shows tomarrow." He says. He hugs me for a few second, then crawls into his bunk. I crawl in my bunk with joel, wishing i could be with james. I rub the bandage on my arm untill i fall asleep.

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