its a nice day for a white wedding

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"Do you want a traditional wedding?" James asks. I shake my head. "No, just you, me and the guys. If we go all out, we cant be married before the baby comes." I say. I'm already three months along. "Wow, ok. But i insist you get a nice dress. You might be sad later if you dont." He says. I kiss him. "Thank you." I say. I call up sammy.

"Hey." She says. "Hey sam. Wanna go wedding dress shopping?" I ask. I need an oppinion. "I would love to." She says. "Cool. We can go tomarrow." I say. She sas bye and hangs up. "You're going to be beautiful, just like every day." He says. I smile and kiss him. "Im just sorry i cant give you ha honey moon." I say as i rub my stomach. He smile. "This baby will be better than any honeymoon." He says. I kiss him again. "So the guys and my dad all het a plus one, right?" James asks. I nodd, i love james' dad, we firstbmet last month, i can remeber it perfectly.


"What if they dont like me?" I said when we pulled up to their house. "My parents will love you." He says. He kissed my head and leads me in the house. "James, its good to seen you." Jis mother said as she hugged him. He shook his fathers hand. "Hey son." He says. "Hi dad." James replies.

"Who is this lovley woman?" His mother asked. "This is my fiancee. The girl i kept telling you about." He said. His mother hugged me. "Hello. Whats your name?" She asked. "Alex, its lovely to finaly meet you." I say. She smiles. "Hi. James always gets bad hirls, so im glad he picked a nice one like you." His dad said. This made me smile. They invite us to sit on the couch.

"We have some news." James said as he grabbed my hand. I looked at him. He had a huge grin on, while i was nervous. "What is it?" His Mother asked. I took a deep breath. "Im pregnant." I said, unsure of how they would take it. "Congrats. Im so happy for you." His mother said. Im glad she was happy. "We thought we were never getting grand kids." His dad said with and old man chuckle. I was never so happy to get approval from someone.


Im brough back to the present by james saying my name. "Alex? Hellloooo?" He says as he waves his hands infront of my face. "Sorry, i blanked. What did you say?" I ask. "I said, you should go to sleep. Its a long day tomarrow." He says with a chuckle. I nodd and kiss him and go to bed.

I wake up and remeber, i have to get a dress today, that will be hard. I have to get one that will fit on my baby bump. I go and throw on yoga pants and a tee shirt. Im just going to chage out of it anyways, so i dress for comfort. I dont do any makeup either, i dont want to get anything on the dress.

Once im dressed, there is a knock on the door. Its sammy. "Hey sam." I say as i open the door to let her in. "Hey." She says. She hugs me, being verry careful where the baby is. "Do you know what it is yet?" She asks. I shake my head. "No, we want a surprize, so all the stuff we're buying is yellow and green and red." I say. She smiles and nodds. "Ready to go?" She asks. I nodd and we go to her car.

We pull up to a bridal shop, and i prepair my self for the dirty looks. When people relize im not married yet, they arnt happy. We walk in and its a verry light atmosphere. "Hello, how may i help you?" A woman asks. "Hi, i need a gown, but one for a pregnant woman." I say. She looks down at my stomach and smiles. "Congradulations." She says as she leads me to a room.

"Ok so what kind do you want?" She asks. "I have no clue, i just want one that i will look pretty in." I say. She nodds and rushes out to get me a dress. When she comes back she has a few. "Ok, this one first." She says. I put on a big ball gown dress. "I dont think so, but we can show sam." I say. Its to big and flashy, not me at all. We walk out and show her. "Its... nice." She says. "No?" I ask, laughing. "No." She say. I go back in and change.

I put on the next one. Its short and cute, but i dont know if its good for my wedding. The reason james sent me here is so i can get a real one. "I dont like it." I say. She nodds and hands me the last dress. I love this dress with all my heart. Its perfect. Its bright white, with a few jewls on the bust. The bust is satin and fitting and slightly below the bust, the skirt starts. Its the sames shade of white, its a flowy A line and has a long lace train. It also has a nice bow in the back on my waist.

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