Red for the love

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*Alex's Pov*

I wake up only three hours before my set. I hop out of bed to get ready. I put on a black tank top and some grey cheetah skinny jeans. I do some simple eyeliner and lipstick and i hack at my hair with a comb. Its a little wavy, but i dont care. As long as i can make it on time.

Two minutes befor my set, i look around back stage. James is there smiling at me. I wave and smile at him. Then its my turn to go on. The crowd cheers and i het that rush. "Ok guys my first song, is first love. For someone spectial i know." I yell into the mic and start singing the words. Most people think its about Joel. But today, i am singing for james, because, i think i have fallen for him. For some reason, i feel so good around him.

After my sey i am greeted by that same brown haired man. "You did amazing." He says as he hugs me. "Thanks." I say as i smile. "Do you want to take a walk after our set?" He asks me. I wonder about how Joel might feel, but i dont care really. "I'd love to." I say. He then hugs me again and runs on stage. The crowd goes nuts for him.

After his set he gets on the bus with me and hands me a bouqet of roses. "This is for doing great on stage." He says. I smile and take them and put them on the counter. James throws on a shirt and diffrent boots and we get ready to go. When we first start walking, it was light and fun, but when we circled back, things got real.

"Alex, can we talk out something?" He asks, in a serious tone. "Uh, sure." I say, nervous as to what he says. "Alex... i really like you. As more then a hot friend. I want to be your boyfriend, we all see how joel talks to you. You deserve better." He says. I smile at this. I love him, i really do, but i cant leave joel. He will litteraly kill me if i tried.

"I cant James, I'm with Joel. I have been for four years. " i say as i look at the ground. Even saying this hurts me. I want him. So bad. But i can have him. It kills me very day knowing that. "Couldnt we try." He begs. He has the saddest look on his face. "Im really sorry James. Your great. But i really cant." I say, on the verge of tears of the first time in two and a half years.

He slowly leans in to me. I need to make him stop, right? I dont though, i just sit there as he gets closer to me and closes his eyes. I close mine too. What am i doing? Then suddenly, our lips touch. It was amazing. Our lips moved in sync. Like we were a mirror image.

Our kiss grew more intense. I leaned him against the tree as we kisses eachother harder. He slid down untill we were sitting down. I proped myself up on my knees so i was taller than him. I licked his bottom lip and his tounge explore my mouth. He lays us down, so that he is holding him self a few inches above me with this knees. He runs his hand through my hair and i throw my arms around his neck, he kisses me more intencly. Untill the worst thing possible happens

"ALEX!!!!" Joel yells from the bus. Me and James stop kissing and look at him. I start shaing. "Alex, im so sorry, that was out of line." James says as he crawls off me. "What the FUCK?" Joel yells as he walk tward us. I shake harder. He is litteraly going to kill me now. I take one last look at james and Joel drags me by my arm on the bus. No one is on there now, im screwed.

As soon as he closes the door he slaps me as hard as he can, sending me crashing to the floor. "You fucking cunt." He says as he punches me in the face. Now my nose is gushing. He kicks me in the stomach while im on the floor. "You diry whore. Im going to teach you a lesson." He says he slaps me again, causing my lip to bleed. I have a slap mark on each side of my face. I crawl into a corner of the bus and he punches me in the head, causing my head to beam of the wall. He begins to take off hils belt. The folds it and snaps it bedore whipping me with it. He hits me one more time before i black out.

*James POV*

I sit under that tree hating my self. I shouldnt have kissed her, now her and Joel are going to break up and she is going to hate me. "Hey, whats wrong." Sam says as he and the rest of the guys walk over too me. "I kissed Alex and now she probably hates me." I say. "Why would she hate you?" Ben asks. "Because Joel saw." I say. Just as i say that there is a loud bang on the bus. We all run to see what it was.

We get on the bus and i am thrown into a rage. Alex is lying on the ground, covered in her own blood and Joel is whipping her with a leather belt. His eys wide when he sees us. I run to him and talkle him. I punch him in the face while repeating "Im going to fucking kill yoj." Danny and Ben pull me off him. They each punch him once though.

I then run to alex, out cold on the ground. "Get me a towl." I yell. Sam throws me one and i wrap her in it and me and cam drive her to the hosppital as fast as we could. Cam is driving im in the back, holding her. "Drive faster!" I demand. I am verry worried about her. She may have a concuion.

We run into the hospital, with carrying her bridal style. "Our friend got knocked out by her mate. We need attention now." Cam tells the woman, almost half yelling it. A few nurses come out with a Hospital bed and they take her from my arms and they run her off to do scans and surgery.

Cam and I sit in the waiting room, doing paper work, whe a doctor comes to get us. "Are you two men here for Mrs. Messing?" The doctor asks. We both stand up. "Yeah, is she ok? Can i see her?" I asks quickly, because im horrifyed of the worst. "She will be ok. She will have to rest of a week, but she'll live. She needs medication too." He says as he hands me a bottle of perscrition pills. "Thank you doctor. May we see her?" Cam asks alot more calm than me. He nodds and we go in.

*Alex's POV*

I can feel myself comming to, my eyes flutter open. I have all sorts of tunes in my arms. I look up and see James and Camron sitting next to me. "W-what happened?" I ask. I cant remeber a thing. "Ok, so i kissed you, joel saw us, and he beat you." James says slowly. Then it all comes back to me, the kiss, him whipping me. I rememer everything till the black out. "Where's Joel. Dont let him in." I say, verry scared he'd come back for me. "Dont worry, we had him arested. He cant hurt you any more." James says as he tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"How do i look? Can i have a Mirror?" I ask. James and Cam both look at eachother with concerned faces. "I want to see." I demand. James shakes his head and gets me a mirros and my jaw drops. I have two black eyes, a fat lip and a big briuse right on my cheek. "Im sorry Alex, this was all my fault." James say. Im too weak to sit up but i pull him down to me and kiss him. "I dont regret anything." I say. I notice how hoarse my voice is. "Ok, well go to sleep, you need rest." Cam says. James kisses my fore head and they leave the room so i can sleep.

*the next day*

I feel my phone vibrate. "Hey, im here." James says. "Ok great i'll be there in a sec." I say. I then run out of the room and sign my self out. I leave the hospital and see james, leaning against the car, looking adroable. "Hey." I say as i walk over and hug him. He hugs me carefully, because of the raw patches where i was whipped about 8 times. "Lets go back to the bus." He says with a smile. I get in the car and drive home, to the bus.

I get in the bus and all the guys greet my with careful hugs. "Alex, we're so glad your safe." Danny says when i hug him. "Joel is gone for good." Ben says. "So after i pass out what happened?" I ask. James comes and stands next to me and puts his arm around my waist. "Well, we saw him whipping you and James almost killed him, so we got james off and we each got a turn hitting him, and then we brought him to the poilice station." Sam say as he takes a drink of his liquor. I nodd slowly. "Is his stuff still here." I asks. "Yeah, why?" James asks confused. I bundle up all this clothes. "Who wants a bonfire?" I ask. The all smile and go outside with me, to burn his stuff.

Later that night i go to bed, in a bunk by myself, wich is so nice. I laydown and have a horrible nightmare.

(Joel is whipping me. Hard. James is watching. He wont do anything. I tried to scream, i cant. I bleed alot. I start drowning in blood.)

I sit up breathing heavily. "Alex, are you alright?" James whispers above me. "Yeah, just a bd dream." I reply. He is quiet for a moment. "Want me to go down there with you?" He asks. I smile and get butterflies. "Yeah." I say. He swings dwon into my bunk and cuddles next to me. I rest my head on his bare xhes and i feel safe. He starts playing with my hair, and i feel at peace. "Goodnight Alex." He whispers and he kisses my head. "Good night." I say. I then kiss his cheek and for the first time, feel happy with someone who is sleeping next to me.

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