7: He's ruining me once again.

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"I could pretend that I was okay

I wind around the parties, drink in hand

I could pretend when you went away

That I had changed and I no longer hear the band."


"WAKE UP, ASHLEY. WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" My irritating piece of shit-loser-ugly sexy- bitch of a best friend, aka Chase yelled from downstairs.

Groaning, I rolled onto my stomach. I buried my head under the darkness of the pillow and pretended it was night. I couldn't see the point of getting up. I had nothing to look forward to.

"Ashley Dallas Henderson! I want you to get up and drag your ass to the bathroom right now!" He put emphasis on 'right' and ripped my lovely warm comfortable blanket from my body. He acted like a mother sometimes!

I groaned once again hoping that he would go away and let me go back to the the better world.

"Stop groaning! You sound like a dead donkey! If you don't get up, I-I will play Justin Bieber's songs!" I ignored his threat and snatched the blanket from him and covered myself. His threats never fazed me.

I didn't hear anything from his big mouth after that so I am assuming he gave up, yay!

Sighing happily, I snuggled into the warmth of my bed and tried to go back to sleep. I was almost back to sleep when I heard Justin Bieber's voice blaring in the entire house. I am going to fucking kill him. Justin Bieber annoys the crap out of me and he knows it! I prefer One Direction. One Direction's voice gives me peace while Justin well.

He annoys me. I mean his voice is good, but he still annoys me uh.

I tried to block his voice out but It felt as if my ear would burst any moment so I gave up my protests of going back to sleep and lazily made my way towards the bathroom mentally cursing Chase for ruining my sleep. I am going to fucking kill him.

I took a quick shower and made my way downstairs for the most lovely meal of the day.


As if on cue, my stomach roars indicating me that it is hungry as fuck.

I entered the kitchen only to find Chase having a mini concert on the table while singing some stupid song.


"Ashley?" I ignore him since I am still angry with him for destroying my sleep and bringing me back to this fucking world which has nothing to look forward to. I don't even need to go to school! I am already loaded enough. Our company is like one of the richest company in this area.

I grab an apple from the basket and start munching on it since Chase is taking too long to prepare lovely chocolate pancakes for me. What can I say? Kitchen has always been his department. It shouldn't be a surprise to you if the whole house is on fire if you let me go in the kitchen.


Ignore. Um yumm apple.


Ignore. Apples are so good!







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