2: My Knight & Shine In Armour

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Today is the second day and I am so NOT looking forward to it. Yesterday went off with classes and people staring at me. I didn't see him. Yeah, Danial. Let's see how today goes.
As soon as I enter the cafe, a figure jumps in front of me.
"Ashley!" He shouts with excitement. That guy doesn't get the hint that I don't want to talk? Sure, Tyler's a nice guy but I don't fucking care.
"Tyler." I plaster a fake smile but too bad he doesn't notices the fake smile and grins at me.
"You're sitting with us!"
I opened my mouth to speak but he cuts me off,
"And I'm not asking for your permission."
"I don't fucking care, Tyler." I reply through gritted teeth.
"I never asked you to care. Now, come." He rolls his eyes and with that he dragged me towards his table. I quickly recognize all the guys there.
Before they could speak I groaned and spoke, "I know all of you. Don't even think of introducing. Well, I am Ashley Henderson. Not so nice to meet you all, again." I say sarcastically but I don't miss to notice his absence on the table.
"I thought your name was 'Ashley Dallas'?" A guy who I remember by the name Dylan spoke.
"I think that changed when we stopped talking." I rolled my eyes. Like, Do I need to freaking announce it to the whole world that there is no more 'Ashley Dallas'?
"Well..uh..yeah." He said nervously.
"Ashley? Ashley Dallas?" A voice said from behind.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I know that voice.
"Finally." I mutter sarcastically under my breathe. He's here and I thought he was dead. Well, I wouldn't care if he was.
Without turning my face I simply reply, "Ashley Henderson."
"Yeah..Ashley Dallas Henderson?" I hear him say.
So, I finally turn around. Fucking Holy Molly Jesus God. He's still hot as fuck! He's still the same. Light brown eyes, perfect shaped lips and eyebrows. Pointed cheekbones and nose. Prominent Jawline. If something has changed is that he's grown way more hotter.
Fuck off, Ashley. Take a grip. You don't care, I tell myself and finally speak.
"You got that right." I say while raising an eyebrow as if giving him a silent message that I don't fucking know who the hell is he but In actual I know too much. I really want to cry myself to death right now because I can see all the memories crashing down. All those fucking memories.
"You don't remember me?" He says with his mouth opened in disbelief.
Well, take that Danny Boy!
"Uh?" I say pretending to be thinking.
"This is new." He mutters under his breathe but I still heard him.
"Danial, Ash. Danial." He says while smiling.
"Oh! Danial." I roll my eyes and face towards the table and start eating. Call me rude, that's what I am.
"So? How have you been?" He tries to start a conversation. I mutter a fine and continue eating.
"How are your parents?" He smiles while running his hands through his hair a sign indicating he's embarrassed or nervous. Wow. Embarrassed or Nervous? C'mon this is fucking Danial Watson we're talking about. He's never embarrassed or nervous around girls. Looks like it's not only me who has changed. 
WHAT THE FUCK. I clench my jaw when I realize what the fuck he just asked. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from shouting at him.
"None of your fucking business, Danial." I speak through gritted teeth and with that I turn on my heel and walk away.
How dare he? He had the nerve, the audacity to ask me about my parents? If only you knew, Danial. That they died when you were busy fucking your girlfriend.
* * *
"Ash!" Someone shouted my name through the hallways. I already knew who it was because only he called me Ash. Well he & Tyler.
I turned around only to him crash into my face.
"What the fuck, Danial?" I rubbed my face with my hand. That guy is like so strong!
"Uh- I am sorry, I was running and, uh, you just turned around and then I bum-"
"Seriously, Danial? I know what happened. Stop stating the obvious."
"Uh, yeah, right. What's gotten into you, anyways? Why are you the queen bitch now? You're rude and mean to everyone? Where is my Ashley Dallas, the girl who loves everyone?"
I just wanted to punch his face. I just wanted to slap him but I didn't.
"Why do you care? Mind your own fucking business. I have to remind it to you again now? There's no more Ashley Dallas, only Ashley Henderson. Do you get it? H-E-N-D-E-R-S-O-N." I spoke each word slowly as if speaking to a 5 year old.
"Save it." and with that I turn on my heel and walk away.
I have a habit to walk away and cut him off while speaking.
It's been a week since I have came back to London. College is absolute shit. I don't give a shit about whatever the teacher is saying in class. I just drool on my textbooks. In lunch time, almost everyday Tyler literally begs me to sit with them but I just roll my eyes and sit alone on a table. I don't like anyone and I don't want to talk to anyone. I am good on my own. What's the use of friends even? They all are going to leave you the day you need them the most. I don't really have good experiences with friends, Yeah. Danial did the same. He was my best friend and he was the only friend I had. Danial knew everything about me. Like, everything. He left me when I needed him the most. He left me with just a 'Fuck off'. I ain't going to go in details with what happened because I don't want to remember the last shitty two years. I don't.
* * *
A beep from my phone broke me from my thoughts about nothing. I glanced around the class and surely everyone was busy so I took and my phone and 'Your knight & shine in Armour' flashed through the screen. I smiled at it quickly recognizing who it was. It was a message from my best friend, Chase.
'Hey, Dallas! It's your birthday tomorrow!'
I laughed silently. He always made me feel special on my birthdays. I always celebrated my birthdays with him but I guess I'll be celebrating it alone this year since I am in London and he's in America.
Life sucks.
I smile as I picture him laying on his bed, listening to some shitty music and singing his lungs out. That guy doesn't have anything better to do.
'Thanks for stating the obvious, My knight & shine in Armour. How're you? I miss you, pig!' I reply.

'Pig? You're breaking my heart here, Dallas! I miss you more, princess. And Of course I am your knight and shine in Armour!' He replies back and I chuckle quietly. He never fails to cheer me up. Chase is my best friend since 2 years now and let me tell you I love that guy more than anything. Well, to be exact I only love him. Chase is my family. He has helped me a lot. He has always been there by my side, no matter what. He has taught me that sometimes being strong is your only option. Today, If I am alive It's because of Chase. He is the only light in my life.
'Of course, you're Chase. I love you! I'll call you later, I am in class right now.' I quickly reply and shove my phone inside my bag before the teacher could scold me. Not that I care anyway.
* * *
"Listen, Ashley. Pretending that nothing happened won't solve anything, right? So let's do this. Let's talk." Danial says from the seat next to me. I pretend that I don't know what he is talking about even though I know he is talking about him betraying me.
I raise an eyebrow and say, "What the fuck are you talking about, Danial?"
"Please. Listen to me. Let me explain. I am sor-"
Before he could complete his sentence I get up and walk out of the class. He's sorry now?
He wants to talk to me after 2 freaking years?
Well, take it then Danial. I don't want to talk to you now. I don't care. I don't. I make my way towards the parking lot and smirk as my black Mercedes comes into my view. Well, I am rich and I am fucking glad I am. My parents gave all their property which includes several companies to me but as I am too young, Chase's parents handle them. I trust them more than anyone and they were my parent's best friends too. Chase and his family is the only family I've. I quickly get into my car and make my way towards my apartment. It's a big apartment which is almost empty. Just the essential furniture and stuff. I jump on my bed and soon sleep consumes me.
* * *
I enter the cafe and there are balloons everywhere. The whole cafe is decorated. Looks like someone has a birthday twin, I thought to myself. Of course it's someone else's birthday too today because no one would do that to me but I am proved wrong when I hear a familiar song and as soon i hear it I know who did all of this.

'If you like midnight drivings with the windows down

and if you like going places we can't even pronounce

Baby, you're perfect.
Baby, you're perfect.'

Tears are flowing through my eyes as I mutter to myself, "Chase." 

Everybody in the cafe is watching me and I am biting my lip to stop myself from smiling. I didn't notice the projector in there until a video starts playing there of Chase in the garden of his house.

"Happy Birthday, Dallas. This is kind of creepy but I just wanted to remind you that you're perfect and what's the better way of reminding it to you other than your favorite song? You are the most amazing person I know. I love you so much. You're special and the most strongest person I know and and and you're the most beautiful kitten I know. You are my best friend. My whole world. I know you're crying right so I just want you to turn around and look."

And surely I am crying like a mess. What did I do to deserve such an amazing person in my life? However, I do what he says and much to my surprise there he is standing with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. I shriek as soon as I see him and jump in his arms and yell, "Thank you so much! You're the best. I love you. You're the best-est friend one could ever imagine of. I missed you so much." I hear him laughing. I am still in his arms and I look over his shoulder to see none other than Danial standing there while clenching his jaw and bawling his fists. He looked scary but who cares. My fucking best friend is here.
But, I can't get it why is Danial so angry?

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