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I was making my way towards the parking lot only for a hand to grab my waist.
Isn't it a great way of kidnapping? I thought to myself.
"What the fu-"
"Shh. It's just me." An all too familiar voice said. Ah, so now he wants to kidnap me?
"What do you want?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.
"I am sorry. I am sorry for everything. I-" He started to apologise but all I could think about was everything he did.
To me.
To us.
To them.
"Sorry for exactly what? Everything what, Danial?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT SORRY MEANS? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU DID, DANIAL WATSON! Can you fix everything? Can you make it all go back to the way it was?! No, you can't! So don't even start,"
"Please, Ash. Let me explain. I love you, I've always loved you and I want to fix everything, I want us-,"
"Fuck off, Danial. Just shut the fuck up! I don't care. I don't care about anything. I don't care about you. I don't care about anyone other than myself. I don't even know what you're exactly apologizing for since you know there's a huge list of things for you to apologise for but whatever it is, I don't care." I screamed at him as tears threatened to escape my eyes, as memories I tried so hard to forget, came back.
I looked at him only to see him crumbling, to see him feeling.
To see him feeling hurt.
An emotion I have felt way too many times.
"This is not you. I'm not stupid. I was your best friend. I know you. Something happened and your way of dealing it was to mask yourself. The real you is behind this mask. This side of you doesn't care about anything but the real you, the real you cares. This is not who you are, Ashley Dallas. You're just pretending, you're escap-," I cut him off with a slap. I don't even know why I slapped him. Maybe, because whatever he was saying was really truth.
Maybe because he's the only person as always who has me all figured out.
And it scared me.
It scares me.
He will know.
He will know me.
He will know the broken me.
He can't.
He won't.
I won't let him.
I hate him.
"I fucking hate you, Danial. I don't care. This is me. You're still so much obsessed with the old me that you don't recognize me. There is no more that weak, innocent, friendly Ashley. You were my best friend. Now, you don't even know shit about me. This is the new me and I love the way I am because I don't have to give two shits about anything now. So just fuck off and mind your own fucking business." I shouted at him and turned on my heel and walked away.
Like always, walked away from everyone.
Because walking away is easy.
It has always been easy.
And then guess what happened? I cried. No one in the world would have ever imagined that Ashley Henderson would cry because of a boy. Well, the old Ashley would have without any doubt cried herself to death but I am not that girl anymore but deep inside, somewhere, I am still that girl. I still have emotions and the worst of all I still have feelings for that son of a bitch. He has ruined me. He has ruined the happy me.
Now, it's my turn to ruin him.
I will ruin him with his own game.

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