An Unspoken Love- Chapter 4

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I stared at the Yale University letterhead in disbelief. I re-read the first sentence in my head to make sure I read it correctly:

Dear Mandy Stevensons,

We are pleased to inform you that your application to Yale University this fall has been accepted.

I was in complete shock, there was no way that this was right. But, what am I saying! This is an ivy league school, they don't make mistakes! Yep, it was there in black and white. I got into Yale.

I almost cried. It was my mom's dream for me to go to an ivy league college now it was finally coming true! My mom would be so proud of me. I could imagine telling her the good news if she were still alive. She would hug me so hard I couldn't breathe. Then she would jump up and down with me for the rest of the night.

I ran back up the stairs without further hesitation. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Stacey, my best friend. She answered on the first ring. She knew it was something big if I called her, because usually we texted 24-7.

"OMG, OMG, OMG!!! What happened? Is it good or bad? Ooooooooh, I hope it's good!", Stacey said without even saying hello.

"You are never gonna guess it!"

"It's good! Yay!" Stacey can always tell by my voice if something is good or bad news.

"I got into Yale"

" Omigod! No Way! I am sooooooo happy for you!" I laughed, Stacey was such a girly-girl. But she understood me better than anyone.

The next person I called was my dad. But when I was halfway through punching in the number I decided I'd just tell him when he got home. Now, I want to go tell my mom.


Sorry it's so short. I know I promised longer chapters, but I have been so busy lately I didn't have time to work on it. I didn't want to keep anybody waiting, sooooooo... Here ya go! --- Lauren

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2011 ⏰

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