First Meeting. The Assessment.

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When I saw this couple walk into my room I was expecting a typical "I love him, he loves his nurse" situation. This, this I was not prepared for. If their faces weren't so serious, I would think it was a joke, but clearly it is not. How do I help these people? Can I help these people? I hate my job some days.

"Mel, Jake, thank you for your honest view of the meeting. Mel, I think that it is important that you realize first of all, not all men focus solely on sex. There are some men, like Jake, who want the whole package. He wanted you Mel, the whole kit and caboodle. Now Jake, it is important that you understand not all women want the marriage, house and kids. Some of them want the physical part of the relationship and not the relationship part. Understand?" They both nodded, but I could tell they both seemed confused as if they expected me to tell them to leave. Do they want me to tell them the marriage isn't going to work? If so they came to the wrong person. Though it seems as though there is something else, something deeper that they won't admit.

I sat back and observed as two very strong headed people glared back at me. These two need to learn how to play nicely with others. This is usually the part where I give a thorough assessment of the relationship. But, I don't think that is possible yet. If anything, I am more confused than when they started. I have to give them something though right? "Now I do find it interesting that from the very beginning the two very different views of this relationship were very evident. Mel, how long after that kiss was the first date?"

She starts laughing, wait laughing? And then shaking her head as if this was some big, elaborate prank. "Well Doc, we kissed at the beginning of the third quarter and as soon as the game ended our date began, so roughly an hour and a half once we left." Now Jake is laughing too. I think I have seriously missed something about the two of them. They were just arguing and at each other's throats, now they are laughing their asses off.

Once again not what I expected. This is a weird couple, I mean weird couple. At least hearing about the first date should be interesting. At the rate this relationship is going, I wouldn't be surprise if the wedding was officiated by a referee that had to seperate the two of them, throw down a penalty flag, and threaten ejection from the ceremony if they didn't behave. I shook my head, tried to maintain my sanity and willed this appointment to go faster. "The first date sets the tone for a relationship. What the dynamics will be down the line. So we are going to repeat this same process. Mel, I want to know your view of the first date, then Jake I wanted to hear yours as well. We will then look and get a full idea of this relationship. So Mel if you would..."

Saying a quick prayer to the marriage counseling gods, I sat back and tried not to look nearly as confused as I was currently feeling. I might even need counseling after these people.

First Comes Marriage (Completed & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now