Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kimberley's POV

Cheryl took me on a quick tour of the school before the bell signalled we had to be in first lesson. Amy and Adam were shown around by Mrs Richards while me and Cheryl made our way to first lesson, music. On the way down the corridor we didn’t really speak, in my opinion it was slightly awkward because I just didn’t know what to chat to her about. As we turned the corner I saw Cheryl’s gang of friends and they waved us over. “Hey guys, this is Kim. Kim meet Sarah, Nadine and of course Nicola!” they all said hi at the same time and gave me a warm welcoming smile. I felt less nervous after meeting them, they seem like lovely girls. I found myself staring at Sarah and Nadine's hands tightly clasped together and I think they sensed my stare as well. “Oh erm, did Cheryl not mention that we go out?” asked Nadine shifting uncomfortably on the spot. I think I made her slightly nervous. “No, but don’t feel uncomfortable or anything, you make a really cute couple” I said smiling after finishing my sentence. “Oh thank god! I thought we might have offended you or something?” Sarah gave a little giggle at the end of the sentence.

“Have you got a boyfriend then Kim?” asked Nicola. “Oh erm no guys aren’t really my type” I swear I saw Cheryl’s face break into a slight smile after my little confession. “Well have you got a girlfriend then?” Sarah asked with a cheeky wink at the end. We all burst out laughing and I answered her question still half laughing. “No I'm afraid not” okay there, did you see it? Cheryl gave a full on smile! I swear I didn’t imagine that! I looked towards her and she smiled wider showing me her dimples, coincidence? I think not! Our teacher arrived and we all huddled into the room full of different instruments ranging from a grand piano all the way down to tiny triangles hanging from little hooks. The girls took their seats while I introduced myself to our teacher, Mr Rose I think his name is? “Erm sir, I'm Kimberley I just moved here today” he smiled and said “Ah yes, Mrs Richards mentioned id be receiving a new student today. I'm Mr Rose, your new music teacher” he said politely. “Well I believe Miss Tweedy is going to be taking care of you for the next week or so, so why don’t you take the available seat next to her?” I was glad he’d told me to sit with Cheryl because quite frankly I think I would feel slightly uncomfortable sat next to anyone else.

Music seemed to fly by, we all took turns in making up some lyrics and adding them all together to create a class song, and it was so much fun! We all sang the parts that we had wrote and wow, there was definitely some amazing talent in this school and Cheryl's voice was phenomenal! I had loads of comments off all the students saying I had an amazing voice and I turned a darker shade of red after each comment was given. We were packing up our bags ready for the bell when Mr Rose asked to speak to me. “Kimberley you have an amazing voice! Have you ever thought of musical theatre?” wow, even Sir commented on my voice. “Yes I have and I’d love to be on stage and singing in musicals!” he smiled at my answer. “Great” he said “I’m planning on doing a musical this school term and well I want you to try for the leading lady, and if I'm honest I think you’ll get it!” Was this actually happening? Sir just asked me to try for the lead role in the school production? Surely this was a dream! “Really…You think my voice is good enough to take lead?” I was well and truly gobsmacked! “Yes I do, think about it and let me know next lesson, ok?” I just shook my head up and down like one of those novelty dogs you sometimes see in the back of peoples’ cars. I walked back over to Cheryl and the girls because they said they’d wait for me while Mr Rose spoke to me.

I must of looked ridiculous my eyes were wide open and so was my mouth in utter shock. “Kim babe, are you okay?” Geordie tones filled my ears but I just couldn’t reply. I shook my head yes again and picked up my backpack. “What did Sir say?” Nadine’s Derry accent was also filling my ears, only this time I was able to reply. “He said he wants me to take lead in the school musical this term!” the next thing I heard was a bunch or screams and congratulations then they all squashed me into a group hug. I know I only met these guys 2 hours ago but I felt like one day I’d be able to call them true friends, especially Cheryl. Well I suppose I’d like Cheryl to maybe be a little more than a friend, but I had fears that she’d do the same Charlie did.

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