Chapter 5

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Kim’s POV

It’s been a day and Cheryl’s mum was on her way over to the hospital, me and the girls where outside Cheryl’s room as the doctor did a few final tests “Nervous to meet the mother in law then, Kimbers?” Sarah said with a cheeky grin. The girls have been winding me up all morning about Cheryl’s mum coming to the hospital today to take Cheryl home. Me and Cheryl both agreed to keep ‘us’ a secret for now and decided that the only people to know are the girls, thanks to Sarah’s big mouth. “No, Sarah, I’m not nervous. It’s not like me and Cheryl are going to start making out in front of her, and anyway we both agreed that you lot are the only people that are going to know for now.” Yeah, that soon shut her up!

The doctor walked out of Cheryl’s room and said we could go in now. I pushed past the girls trying to get to Cheryl as quick as possible; I could hear the girls laughing behind me. “Hey, how are you feeling?” I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. Her face lit up and revealed her dimples “Hey and I’m feeling fine, I just can’t wait to get out of here!” At that moment the door opened and Cheryl’s mum ran through the door, over to Cheryl and wrapped her into a tight hug. I moved from the bed onto a nearby chair and looked over to the girls. Sarah just winked at me and Nadine and Nicola where none the wiser.

“Sweetie what happened to you?” Cheryl pulled out of her mums smothering embrace and turned to see that it had moved onto a chair, she looked quite sad about my decision to move. “Nothing, I’m fine thanks to these four.” She said pointing towards me, Nic, Nadz and Sarah. “Thank you so much girls.” She paused as she looked at me, clearly having no clue who I am. “Mum this is Kim, she moved to Newcastle with her family.” Cheryl’s mum turned to me and gave me a warm smile. “It’s lovely to meet you dear.” I smiled and replied “You too Mrs Twe…” she cut me off by saying “Oh please call me Joan.” I wonder if the other girls call her Joan. Anyway I don’t understand why the girls were winding me up because she seems really sweet.

“So, now are Cheryl is alright, do you girls fancy coming back and having a sleep over? It is Friday after all!” We all reply with a ‘yes’ and pile into Joan’s car. Cheryl clumsily sat on my lap saying that Nic could sit in the front instead, even though me and the girls new differently.

I put both arms around Cheryl and pulled her closer to me, enjoying our closeness. Until Joan spoke up “If she gets too heavy just shove her off Kim.” Joan said winking at me in the mirror. I chuckled but the look on Cheryl’s face was priceless! “Hey! I’m injured I’ll have you know!” she huffed crossing her arms defensively over her chest, and letting a cute little pout form on her lips. “I’m sure she was only joking,” I said, resting my cheek against her back.

When we got to Cheryl’s house we all piled out of the car and up to Cheryl’s room! Which may I say is twice the size of my room! I mean she has a queen size bed for god sake! It can fit all us five in! But that’s probably because Cheryl is half laid on top of me squishing me against the wall! She’s not as small as she looks ya ’no!

“So what do you want to do first girlies?” Cheryl asked sitting up against the wall with her head on my shoulder? “We should play truth or dare” Sarah suggested! “We can’t play that it’s way too early, plus we can’t drink because Chezza has to take those tablets!” I was shocked; they’re allowed to drink alcohol? I’m only allowed a drink with my Christmas dinner or my birthday!! “Wait, you guys are allowed to drink?” I asked with a surprised tone. They all look at me as if I’ve just grown three heads!

“Erm yeah, of course we are 16!” said Sarah cackling at the end of her sentence. I looked down to my lap and felt Cheryl lift my head to look at her. “Are you not allowed to drink babe?” she asked. Oh great this is just fantastic. Of course my parents have to be so strict and not let me, Amy or Adam drink. Only Sally’s allowed to drink. “Well erm, I am on Christmas and stuff?” the next thing I heard was Sarah’s cackle again, but louder this time. I looked back to my lap and started to play with Cheryl’s fingers. Cheryl picked up a pillow that was next to her and launched it at Sarah’s head, making her fall off the bed. I let out a little giggle.

“There’s no need to be embarrassed,” said Nic “I didn’t drink until I met this crazy lot last year.” That made me feel a little bit better, but I still felt stupid as Sarah carried on laughing on the floor! “Nadz, control your woman!” Cheryl said referring to Sarah on the floor! “Sarah for god sake it isn’t that funny, now get up off the floor before I fall out with you!” I have never seen Sarah move so fast, not even in PE. She got up off the floor and sat back next to Nadine. “Sorry” she mumbled.

Nadine smiled at her and gave her a peck on the cheek. “So, now we have Sarah back with us I say we put on some movies and eat junk food?” Cheryl suggested earning some very loud ‘yes’s’ from me and the girls!

Joan very kindly prepared a fest for us which included several different flavours of ice cream, Haribo, chocolate, cherry aid and Cheryl’s favourite two packs of Curly Wurlys, which Cheryl nearly demolished by herself if we’d of let her, her only excuse being that she was ill.

“Pass the ice cream please babe,” I whispered to Cheryl. She passed me the tub but had a mischievous look on her face and I suddenly felt slightly nervous. “Why are you smiling like that?” I asked curiously, she didn’t say anything she just jumped on top of me and smeared ice cream all over my cheek! “CHERYL WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?” I shouted making the girls jump. I tried to get from underneath Cheryl but she wouldn’t move.

“Cheryl, get offff!” I whined but she still didn’t move. “And you can get this ice cream off my cheek right now!” she smiled and said “Okay!” with a wink and leaned down and licked my cheek. “EWWW Cheryl, I never said lick it off!” all the girls were in hysterics laughing, the movie now abandoned playing to itself. Cheryl just laughed and said “Sorry but you did only say get it off and plus you didn’t exactly specify how to get it off!” okay so she got me with that one so I just let it go, looking extremely unimpressed!

“Aww I’m sorry!” Cheryl said with a pout, she leaned down and gave me a firm kiss to prove just how sorry she was. I smiled into the kiss and kissed her back. We just lay kissing for a while until we heard a stern cough in the room. ‘Shit, please don’t be Joan!’ I thought and pushed Cheryl off me. I sat up frantically looking around the room in search of Joan only to see Nadine, Nicola and Sarah grinning to themselves like Cheshire cats!

“You absolute bitches, I thought Joan had walked in then!” I put my hand on my heart and felt my heart beat lower slightly. I turned to look at Cheryl and she had a frown and an adorable pout on her lips. “What are you looking at me like that for?” I asked, shock taking over my voice. “You pushed me into the wall!” Seriously would she rather me carry on kissing her to then realise her mum was actually stood there? “Well I’m sorry, but what would you have done if that was your mum?” she stayed silent and looked around the room, as if searching for an answer.

“Exactly, so don’t blame me!” I said looking smug. “God you two are worse than Nadz and Sarah for having little tiffs and then making up 0.1 seconds later! Jeez!” Nicola said shoving more popcorn into her mouth. We all just looked at each other and laughed!

I love these girls, I think I’ve finally found a group of friends I feel totally comfortable with, and plus me and Cheryl are now together. I know I’ve not even known her for that long but she just makes me feel so relaxed and I know I’m moving fast but I really hope she’s the one for me.

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