Chapter 4

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Hiya guys! I realise I haven’t updated in like forever but I’m back and hopefully for good, so look forward to regular updates. Let me know what you think of this new update and thank you all for being patient with me!

Cheryl’s POV

“Jeez girl, hold up!” I yelled to Kim as she carried on down the road without me. I caught up and my cheeks where a little flustered after doing a mini sprint to catch her. When I was directly by her side I just turned my head and admired her beautiful features, god she’s gorgeous. She turned her head and caught me staring. “Oh shit” I thought she was going to shout at me or something but instead she just burst out laughing right in my face. Charming!

“Like something you see Tweedy?” she asked while giving me a cheeky wink and smile. I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything. The wink just killed me, but it could have been the smile! I could have walked into about 10 lamp posts right then and I don’t think I’d have even noticed, let alone cared! “Oi, Chezza put ya tongue away!” I was broken from the trance as Sarah yelled at me, making me swing my head in her direction and yep, you guessed it, walking straight into a lamp post! Smooth move dumbass!

I sat up as quick as I could and I got head rush. “Omg babes are you all right?” I heard Irish tones fill my ear which means that Nadine is the one holding me up. Kimberley crouched in front of me and put about 12 fingers in front of my face. “Chez, Cheryl babe how many fingers am I holding up?” What? Why the hell is she asking me that? “Whoa… Erm about 12…” I slurred unconfidently, as her face invaded my vision.

The next thing I remember is everything going black…

Kimberley’s POV

Well this morning is going just fantastic, the day I decide to ask Cheryl to be my girlfriend she walks into a lamp post and ends up being knocked unconscious. Me, Nadine, Sarah and Nicola are all huddled in the confined space of Cheryl’s private room. Sarah and Nadine managed to squeeze themselves into one chair leaving me and Nic with a chair each. I just hope me and Cheryl could be as cute and cuddle as they are.

We’ve been here about 2 hours now, the doctor called Cheryl’s mum but she’s at a very important meeting in central London and won’t be back until early tomorrow morning, so me and the girls decided that we should all stay and keep her company in case she wakes up. I just hope it’s sometime soon because my bum is becoming seriously numb on this horrible plastic chair!

One of Cheryl’s machines starts to beep faintly and I seem to be the only one to notice. “Guys, can you hear that?” I ask them all. Nadine lowers the magazine and concentrates on listening out for the beep while Sarah remains asleep on her shoulder. “I can hear it!” Nicola exclaims suddenly making me jump slightly. “Me to!” Nadine lets out a small squeal, waking Sarah from her slumber. “What’s going on guys?” she asks sleepily. Before I have time to reply Nicola cuts in, “CHERYL’S WAKING UP” “Yeah, she’s waking up deaf thanks to your screaming!” we all go deadly silent and look towards the hospital bed, to see a cheeky grin plastered across her face. “Sorry.” Nicola mumbles to Cheryl. “Aw Nic I was only messing with ya, I’m not really deaf, just stupid for walking into a lamp post!”

“You got that right!” I muttered thinking no one had heard me until Cheryl said, “Oi it was your fault I walked into it!” I was gobsmacked, not only had she heard me but she also has the integrity to blame me for her own stupidity! ”Erm excuse me but if you hadn’t of been gauping at me you’d have seen where you were walking!” I replied defensively. She just started laughing the said “stop being a mardy arse and come and give me a hug!” I pouted and shuffled towards her; she flung her arms around my neck and pulled me down onto the bed. I felt so content being in Cheryl’s arms and knowing she’s okay now. The hug must have gone on for quite a while because we heard Sarah make a smart arse comment behind us. “God get a room you two!” Cheryl giggled into my ear and said, “Well if you three buggered off then we’d have a room wouldn’t we?” she said throwing a suggestive wink in my direction. I know she’s only joking but I wish they would leave so me and Cheryl could be alone.

“Fine then, we’ll leave you to it and go and get some food because I’m staving!” said Sarah as she was half way out the door! Cheryl chuckled as Nadine and Nicola followed out of the door and towards the café. I went to move off the bed to give Cheryl more room but she put her hand on my thigh as if silently telling me to stay exactly where I was. She shuffled into an upright position, leaning on the head bored. She silently cupped my cheek and started to stroke it with her thumb.

Before I really registered what was happening she was pulling my head closer to hers, my eyes flickered towards her lips and back into the deep pools of her eyes. Our noses where nearly touching when she tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear. I could feel her hot breath against my bottom lip and my eyes flickered shut. Before I knew it her lips were placed delicately on my own plump full lips.

I pulled back slightly and stared into her eyes and smiled, she mirrored my smile and leaned in again, this time leaving a firmer kiss on my lips. Her lips felt so natural against my own, it was like I was in heaven. Cheryl’s hand started stroking through my hair as we carried on kissing for several minutes. After I while I could feel Cheryl’s tongue running along my bottom lip, so I slightly opened my mouth willing her to enter. As she cautiously touched her tongue to mine I felt shivers race down my spine, to the tips of my toes.

I never want this to end, the way our tongues are moving in sync makes me think this was supposed to be. Just as Cheryl’s hand started travelling down my back the door burst open to reveal an annoyed looking Sarah, but her expression suddenly changed as she noticed mine and Cheryl’s position. “Oh erm sorry guys, I did think that you literally wanted the room to yourselves otherwise I’d have stayed down there longer, sorry!” she said, awkwardly backing out of the room and shutting the door behind her. Cheryl turned to face me and there was a minute of silence but we both just ended up bursting out laughing.

Sarah’s POV

Oh my life, did that just happen? Little Chezza getting it on with Kimbers, wait until I tell the girls, Nadine and Nic both owe me a tenner now! I ran all the way back to the café to where Nadine was sat supping on a strawberry milkshake and Nicola had just demolished a hot dog and whipping the remains of tomato ketchup off her lips.

“Guys you will never guess what I just witnessed with my own eyes!” they both looked at me as if someone had given me some medication and it had made me hyperactive! “I don’t know what you saw but have you taken anything babe?” Nadine asked her tone full of concern and I think even a little bit of worry too.

I rolled my eyes and replied “Of course I haven’t taken anything, but this is way better because it makes me twenty quid richer…” I didn’t get chance to finish because Nic cut me off. “OH MY God, you mean you walked in on Chez and Kim like going at it?” wow “Nice way to put it Nic but yes, yes I did!” I replied looking pretty smug that I’m getting twenty quid! “Cough up ladies!” the next thing I heard was groans coming from Nadine and Nicola as they reluctantly handed over a tenner each.

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