Chapter 3

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Kimberley's POV

Me and Cheryl had been flirting with each other all day and not even being discreet about it. We were making our way towards the exit she stopped just before the gates, seeing Amy and Adam waiting for me. “So, erm can I have your number?” Cheryl asked shyly rubbing the sole of her shoe against the gravel. I smiled and felt pleased that she’d asked and not waited for me to ask her. “Sure, pass me your phone!” I quickly added myself to her contacts and saved my name as ‘Kimba<3’, smiling to myself I handed her phone back. “Well I shall text you later so you have my number babe!” I always find myself smiling when she calls me babe, the way her Geordie tones make the word sound ten times better. “I have to go, my dad’s just pulled up and Amy and Adam are waiting for me.” I said with a sad smile. “Oh alright, well I will text you later.” She says leaning forwards and planting a soft kiss on my cheek. Tingles shot through my body and I felt warm inside as her lips made contact with my cheek. “B-bye” I stuttered before turning and running to Amy and Adam. Amy had a slight glint in her eye, she clearly saw Cheryl kiss my cheek, yet Adam was none the wiser.

We got home after being interrogated by mum on the way home wanting to know every little detail. I got in and went upstairs and did my homework. Not long after I was called for tea.  I placed my phone in the back pocket of my jeans still waiting for Cheryl to text. I felt slightly nervous and thought she might have regretted getting my number and now changed her mind about texting me. We all sat around the table when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I discreetly moved the phone from my back pocket and into my lap. I pressed a random button and the screen flashed into life. ‘One new message: Cheryl- Hey, erm it’s Cheryl. Just texting so you…’ The rest of the message being cut of meaning I had to unlock my phone to read the rest. “Kimberley, why are you grinning into your lap?” Oh no, busted. My mum was trying to peer from across the table into my lap. I quickly moved the phone into my pocket before replying. “Oh no reason” I said smiling and acting as innocently as possible. “Yeah right, I bet it was the Brunette, what's her name again? Oh yeah Cheryl, is she your new girlfriend Kimmy?” I glared at Amy from across the table, as if telling her she would regret saying that in front of everyone! “Oh who’s this Cheryl then dear?” my mum asked. “Just a friend…” “No she isn’t, she kissed you today, I saw with my own eyes!” Amy cut me off before I had the chance to reply and boy is she going to regret it! “Amy! Yes she is my friend, and yes she kissed me, but kissed my cheek so shut up will ya!” I got up from the table and pushed my chair away, I felt my phone falling from my back pocket and Adam grabbed it before it fell. “Adam! Quick give me the phone” Amy screeched. “Don’t you even dare!” I grabbed Adam’s arm and prised my phone out of his grip and ran upstairs slamming my door once I was in my room! I let out a little scream throwing my pillow at the wall and sat on my bed. Why do I have to be the oldest, I never get any privacy in this goddamn house! I flopped backwards and unlocked my phone to text Cheryl.

Cheryl's POV

I woke up the next morning with a huge smile in my face, me and Kimberley had been texting all night and I feel so happy when I speak to her. Last night I realised that I kind of like her and I want to ask her about but I'm so scared! I mean its Kimberley; she’s so pretty and just wow! My heart rate increases every time I think about her. I've only known her a day but I already feel a really strong connection towards her. I got ready for school and set off down the road, a little earlier than normal because I want to be there a little bit early. I was in a world of my own daydreaming about Kimberley when I heard a loud beep. I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned to face where the noise came from. The car pulled up next to me and I got a tad bit scared. It was a huge shiny black range rover with tinted out windows, no wonder I felt nervous. The door sprung open, I wanted to run but my legs wouldn’t move! “Cheryl!” I let out a breath of air once I realised it was Kimberley.

She ran to me and gave me a huge hug, wrapping her arms tightly round my neck and squeezing! “Erm Kimbers babe, I can’t breathe!” she quickly let go and took a small step back. “Oh I'm sorry babe, I didn’t realise!” she said with a huge grin on her face. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously, “Why are you so cheery at 10 past 8 in a morning?” she blushed and looked to the ground briefly before looking up with a cheeky smile. “No reason, is it not normal to be cheery while greeting my friend?” Oh how I long to be more than her friend! No Chezza stop! You can’t think about Kimba like that! Wow, I've known her for I day, I must have it bad. I realised that id been staring into her gorgeous eyes but quickly lowered my gaze to the ground. I looked up again and saw her about two steps away heading towards school, swaying her hips as she went! Yep Sarah is right, she has a pretty amazing arse!

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