Chapter 6

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Cheryl’s POV

The week has flown by, I’m well and truly better now thanks to Kimba Bear and my mum, plus the girls have been great to. Because it’s Friday to day me and the girls are all going to the cinema tonight to watch The Smurfs 2. I can’t even explain how excited I am. I know it’s a kid’s film but I love the Smurfs. It took the girls a bit of persuading, mainly Kimba, but in about an hour Kimba’s bringing her stuff so she can stay at mine tonight.

Hearing the door bell, I run down the stairs trying to beat Gary to the door but he pushes me back and races to open the door. Obviously he wouldn’t do this if he knew me and Kimba were together but because he doesn’t know he seems to always shamelessly flirt with the poor girl.

“Hi Kim,” I hear Gary say liked an excited puppy dog. “Hiya Gary is chez around?” she asks. “Oh right yeah, CHERYL KIMBERLEY IS HERE!” I chuckle hearing Gary’s lack of enthusiasm when Kimba asks for me instead of talking to him. My face lights up as soon as I see her, stood in my hallway wearing blue skinny jeans, a cute elephant jumper and a jacket resting on her forearm. Not forgetting that her hair looks phenomenal (like always). She turns and her face also cracks into a beautiful smile. “Hey babe,” I say embracing her in a strong hug, she always smells so nice.

I pull back and we just stand staring at each other until my mum ruins the moment! “Earth to Cheryl,” she says being sarcastic, well trying to be anyway. “Erm what?” I ask still mesmerised by Kimba. “As gorgeous as Kim is, youse might want to hurry or you’ll miss the cinema, and the girls won’t be very pleased,” shit, the cinema, I completely forgot. “Oh yeah, quick Kim follow me then we will leave!” I say in a rushed voice.

We both race upstairs with Kimba's belongings and into my room. Kim dumps her stuff and is about to leave until I catch her arm and pull her close to me. “And where do you think you’re off to missy?” I ask in a cheeky tone. “Down stairs so we aren’t late for the girls,” she says looking at her watch quickly. “You’re not going anywhere yet,” I say smirking. I place my hand behind her head and bring her face close to mine, her eyes flicker closed as her lips are centimetres away from my own. Her lips move in time with my own, in a smooth rhythm. As we stood there footsteps came closer to my room but I couldn’t pull away from Kimba's lips. I see the door open from the corner of my eye and before I know what’s happening, Kimberley is holding my face, pretending to check for the eyelash that “accidentally” fell in to my eye.

“Well I don’t know what you’re moaning at Chez because there isn’t even an eyelash in your eye!” she says letting go of my face, god she’s good. “Don’t listen to her next time Kim, she’s always complaining about one thing or another,” my mum says. “Erm I am here ya ’no?” I say getting annoyed at both of them for laughing at me. “We’re only messing around with you sweetheart,” my mum says.

“Anyway I came to ask if you needed any money for the cinema?” she asks revealing £15 from her pocket. “Thanks mam, you’re the best!” I say running over to her and giving her a big hug. “You’re welcome pet, just don’t go spending it on crap, I want you to keep an eye on her Kim, so if she comes back with any crap I'm blaming you!” she says looking seriously at Kimba, who by the way looks a little scared.

“Mam stop or you’ll scare her away!” I say joking, knowing that my mam wasn’t being serious. “Aw I'm only messing with you Kim, no get lost both of you!” she says shooing us both out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door! “Charming!” I say to Kimba as a joke. “I know right, come on let’s go before the girls have a go at us!” Kim says rolling her eyes.

Kim’s POV

Me and Chezza get to the bus stop where we agreed to meet the girls, and surprisingly we were 5 minutes early. We sat on the bench under the bus shelter and Cheryl practically sat on my lap. She snuggled into my side and I wrapped my arms around her, she can be so sweet sometimes. After waiting about 2 minutes of waiting Cheryl started to complain about being bored! Well I guess Joan was right about her complaining a lot. “Cheryl stop moaning will ya!” I said and she shut up and put an adorable pout on her lips. “Don’t pout babe,” I said but she just gave me the puppy dog eyes and didn’t speak. “I’m sorry,” I said but she still didn’t reply. “What do you want I asked with a sigh, joking with her. “Kiss!” she said and she couldn’t of sounded anymore cuter.

I just laughed but leaned in anyway giving her a peck on the lips, I pulled back and she was still pouting. “I gave you a kiss,” I said but I guess she wasn’t happy with a little peck. “Another one,” she said, I honestly can’t decide whether I think it’s cute or annoying. I leaned in but this time let the kiss linger and let her take control, she placed her tongue carefully in my mouth and touched the roof of my mouth. As the kiss stared to get passionate her hands started to wonder down my back until her thumbs could loop through my belt loops.

I heard a whistle and just ignored it thinking it would be some horny teenagers on their bikes and carried on kissing Chezza. I heard another whistle but this time it was louder and closer so I reluctantly pulled away from Cheryl. I saw Sarah, Nadine and Nicola stood smirking at us and I blushed. “Come on love birds, or we’re going to miss the film!” Sarah said pulling us both up. 

Okay this is just ridiculous Sarah and Nadine were sat on our left cuddled up in the couples seat, me and Cheryl in the middle surrounded by packets of sweets a super-size coke and extra-large popcorn. This girl can eat! And not forgetting Nic, sat next to us with her feet across the double seat. As the lights went down Cheryl snuggled further into my side sighing contently. I wrapped my arms around her and we settled comfortably ready for the film.

About half way through the film I saw Sarah practically sat on top of Nadine and I was honestly gobsmacked. They’re in the middle of a cinema with young children and their parents and they’re practically snogging the faces off each other. I nudge Cheryl and she looks at as I point in the direction of the lovers! She turns her head and whispers “Oh my god, what the hell do they think they’re doing?!” she says in shock. I don’t know whether to laugh or just be totally shocked.

Cheryl started throwing pieces of popcorn at them but it didn’t stop them. So in the end I took a piece of ice out of mine and Cheryl's drink and put it down Sarah's top. “HOLY CRAP!” she screamed, jumping off Nadine and about 5ft in the air from the coldness of the ice cube. I totally lost it and had tears streaming down my face. Nicola looked over to see what was going on and started giggling. One woman sat behind us started making shushing noises but we just couldn’t stop laughing.

Through the last 10 minutes of the film me, Cheryl, Nicola and Nadine kept laughing at Sarah sulking. As the credits started to roll, the lights came up and we all started to stretch. We walked outside and the weather was beautiful, Cheryl spoke up and said, “How about we all go back to mine and hang out in the garden?” she asked. The girls cheered and all agreed so we all walked to Cheryl's and straight into the garden. I left the girls chatting in the garden and went upstairs to change into some shorts and a t-shirt. Just as I took my jumper off I heard the door shut and felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

I could smell the hint of cherry blossom and instantly knew it was my Chezzabelle. She started placing delicate kisses on my shoulders up to my neck. “What do you want trouble?” I asked covering her hands with mine. She laughs cheekily rubbing my stomach. “Hmm well I could think of a few things!”  “Cheryl!” I laughed as she started to tickle me. Somehow I managed to end up on the floor, with Cheryl on top of me. “WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO TICKLE ME?” I screamed at Cheryl!

Suddenly the door burst open and Gary and his friend walked in, bearing in mind Cheryl is straddling my waist, tickling me in her bikini and the only thing I'm wearing is a bra and some shorts! Not a good thing for teen boys to whiteness! “If Cheryl wasn’t your sister then it would be acceptable to think this was totally hot, right?” Gary's stupid friend asked. Seriously what is it with boys liking the idea of girls doing things?!

Cheryl stopped tickling me and turned to face Gary. “What the hell do you two want?” she asked annoyed at the pair of them. “We er well we wanted to erm borrow your, your laptop…?” Gary said staring at my chest. “Well you’re not going to find it in Kimberley's cleavage are you?” she shouted. They both backed out the room and shut the door. We both fell in to hysterics at the look on their faces.

The rest of the day was amazing. We just kept laughing talking and Chezzabelle managed to start a water fight, and Joan wasn’t very impressed when we soaked the washing but oh well, we were only messing around.

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