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Rain was a force not to be dealt with. It could create beauty, but it could also destroy it in a second.

Not unlike Draco Malfoy, who was currently watching the rain pound the window outside the Hogwarts Express. Of course, he didn't create things, but oh boy, he could rip them apart.

Draco was alone for the moment, alone with his thoughts. Another year beginning soon. And, he presumed that soon, he'd have more duties than just being a student.

He was a bit startled by the loud laughter from down the hall, and his silvery eyes narrowed. Potter. Of course he was making such noise, with his stupid friends and his stupid life. Draco hated him. And for Harry, it was mutual.

Draco got up and walked down the hall, leaning against the doorway of Potter's comparment.

"Mind keeping it down, Potter? You're disrupting the train." he drawled.

Harry rolled his eyes, and Draco was met with three pairs of narrowed eyes.

"You're the one disrupting, Malfoy. Go back to your own compartment." he snapped.

"Yeah, we didn't invite you in here." Ron agreed, slouched in his seat next to Hermione.

"I invited myself, Weasel. But of course you're too dim to figure that out." Draco replied, smirking.

In a flash, Harry was out of his seat and had Draco pinned against the wall outside.

"Listen, you git, you don't get to come around here and insult my friends like that, understand?" Harry seethed, his eyes narrowed.

Draco still had half of a sneer on his face, but he found himself looking into Harry's eyes. They were so green. Like emeralds, in a way. Shiny precious emeralds, like the ones in the Slytherin hourglass in the Great Hall.

No, Draco, stop it! Stop staring at his eyes!

Draco snapped out of it and gave Harry a shove, sending him stumbling backwards. It also sent a sort of shock through Draco's hands. Like static electricity.

"I can do whatever I please, Potter." he spat, dusting off his hands on his pants.

Then he stormed off, his mind reeling. Staring into Harry's eyes like that, what on earth was wrong with him? He was just acting idiotic.

He snatched his robes from his compartent, ducking into the loo to change. Afterward, as he was heading back to the compartment, he bumped into Potter again.

"Watch it." Draco snapped, ignoring the shock traveling through his left arm where he had been jostled.

Again with the static? Must be Harry's hair. That's what Draco would assume, and he was sticking with it.

"You watch it, Malfoy." Harry replied, walking past and going to change.

Draco shook his head. Stupid, stupid Potter.

Harry wasn't going to ruin his year.

And Draco would make sure of it.


Harry Potter was plain pissed off. Three encounters with Malfoy on the train. Three! That was a horrible number, and now he was in a shitty mood.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Ron asked as they got off the train, adjusting his robes.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired." Harry snapped, walking briskly toward the carriages.

Hermione and Ron shared a glance behind him, then quickened their pace to catch up.

"You've clearly got something on your mind." Hermione pressured.

"It's nothing, okay? I'm fine."

But it really wasn't 'nothing', far from it. In fact, it was definitely something. Something with blonde hair and cold silver eyes.

Three times was a little too much times to be running into Malfoy. Did he do it on purpose, just to get Harry annoyed? If he saw one more sign of that ferret, he'd-

"Ditch your friends, did you, Potter?"

Right on schedule.

"Go away. They're right behind me, I didn't ditch-" Harry cut himself off, realizing Hermione and Ron were a little ways back.

"You're blind even with your glasses. That's completely pathetic." Malfoy drawled, his signature smirk sitting comfortably in place.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry yelled, storming away.

He just couldn't deal with Malfoy's crap tonight. He sighed as he climbed up into a carriage, being joined by Ron and Hermione a few minutes later.

"Who were you screaming at?" Ron immediately asked as the carriage began rolling forward.

"It's nothing, Ron. He's nothing." Harry mumbled, rubbing some dirt off of his glasses.

"Malfoy?" Hermione guessed.

"Of course. Who else? That's his fourth appearance tonight. Now along with being tired, I'm crabby as well."

Ron and Hermione knew they'd better not question anymore, or they might become victims of one of Harry's violent outbursts. So they stayed silent for the rest of the ride while Harry silently seethed.

Malfoy was so annoying. But Harry couldn't stop thinking about that shock that he had received when Malfoy gave him a shove. And again, when they bumped shoulders.

It was probably static. Maybe from his hair.

But Harry knew one thing.

Malfoy wasn't going to ruin his year.

And Harry would make sure of it.

LOVE ME OR HATE ME ◦ H. POTTER, D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now