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Draco wasn't exactly sure where he was at the moment, because there was definitely someone else in his bed.

The person next to him gave a soft sigh, then shifted and went right back to snoring.

Draco forced his eyes open, first staring at the ceiling, then letting his gaze shift to the person beside him.

Soft-looking black hair, smallish stature, and cuddled right up to Draco's chest. Draco could feel the thick black hairs tickling his nose.

Then, last night suddenly came back to him.

Potter. The person lying next to him was Potter.

He couldn't believe he had been as daft as to let Harry into his bed. He must've been absolutely delirious last night.

"Potter." Draco hissed, trying to shake Harry off of him.

Harry only grumbled and clung to Draco harder.

"Potter!" Draco snapped, poking him in the cheek. "Get up!"

Harry seemed to respond to this, wriggling a bit before slowly opening his bright green eyes. He looked around until his eyes landed on Draco, then emitted a shriek.

"Malfoy!" he sputtered. "What're you doing in my bed?!"

"I think you'll see that this is my bed, Potter." Draco sneered, and Harry's expression grew horrified as he realized the blonde was right.

"Oh...I didn't mean to, I swear. I just-"

"You were crying, Potter. Why?"

Harry paused in his fretting at this, then glared at Draco. "That's none of your business."

Draco crossed his arms. "I believe it is, if you ended up in my bed."

Harry sighed and got up, walking over to the bathroom. He stopped at the door, then looked back at Draco.

"I'm going to be out with my friends today. Just so you know." he said, then disappeared into the bathroom.

Draco merely raised an eyebrow, then sighed and got up to get dressed for the day.


Harry trudged down to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione, but his mind wasn't really with them. He couldn't stop thinking about that morning.

Why did he have to have one of his Cedric dreams? Everything would've been fine if he hadn't, but his subconscious must have wanted to fuck with him today.


The look on Draco's face! But now that Harry thought about it, he thought that he could see some concern etched in there.


But Draco's warmth had been so nice to wake up next to. Like he was floating on a cloud...


"What?" Harry asked, a bit startled as he looked up.

"Finally." Hermione said impatiently. "I thought I'd have to use an Aguamenti on you. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Harry's cheeks coloured. "Just a dream I had last night..."

Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

"Really?" Hermione asked, suddenly intrigued. "What was it about? You-Know-Who?"


Harry looked around for a distraction.

"Look! Honeydukes!" Harry shouted, pointing out the shop as they passed it. "Let's go in, yeah?"

"I've been saving up just for this!" Ron said excitedly, dragging Hermione towards the storefront.

Harry grinned, then faltered as Hermione gave him a 'we'll talk about this later' look. He sighed, then followed his two friends into the sweetshop.

He couldn't avoid the subject forever, and he knew that.


Draco was curled up in one of the armchairs in the main room, socked feet pulled up to his chest and sipping out a mug of hot chocolate. He looked up as the door opened and shut.

"You're back." he said, but was ignored as Harry trudged past him into the bedroom.

Draco frowned and rose out of his seat, walking into the bedroom and leaning against the doorway.

"Hello? Earth to Potter? I greeted you, it's quite rude to ignore me."

"Sod off, Malfoy." Harry snapped, taking off his scarf and coat and tossing them on the chair in the corner.

"What's got your trousers in a twist?" Draco asked, taking another sip of hot chocolate. "Did the Weasel and Mudblood ditch you or something?"

Harry whipped his head around to glare at him. "I'm not in the mood, Malfoy! And don't call them that!"

"Or, perhaps," Draco said, continuing like Harry hadn't spoken, "Mudblood was being a bit too nosy."

Harry looked like he was about to retort, but then he sighed and seemed to deflate, sinking down onto his bed.

"I just...she cares too much about me sometimes, I think." Harry said, looking down at his hands. "She's a bit overbearing, y'know?"

No, I don't know, Draco wanted to say. But he settled for a shrug instead.

"She's your friend, Potter. She wants to look out for you." he said, clutching his mug tightly. "Ah...did you want some hot chocolate? I've got some extra-"

"Yes." Harry said eagerly, then realized what he had said and looked back down. "I mean...sure, I suppose. If it's not too much trouble. I'll just get changed, then..."

"Right. Okay." Draco said awkwardly, heading back to the living room.

He picked the thermos up from where it rested on the table, then poured the remainder of the hot drink into a second mug.

Harry appeared a second later, dressed in a long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. He took the mug from Draco wordlessly and sat down, lips pressed tightly together.

"No thank you?" Draco teased, sitting down in the chair he had vacated a few minutes ago.

"What?" Harry asked, looking up at him. "Oh, right. Thanks then, Malfoy."

Draco gave a curt nod and sat back in silence, finishing the last dregs of his drink.

This was...nice.

But Draco couldn't help but wonder what exactly was going on between him and Harry. Were they actually becoming...friends?

The thought of that scared Draco. A lot.

He didn't hate Harry. Not exactly.

Sure, he despised him. Sure, he disliked him a whole lot.

But hate wasn't in the picture, at least not now.

He'd probably never be best friends with Harry. Harry had crushed that possibility in first year.

But, as Draco gazed over at Harry, taking in his half-lidded eyes as he stared at the fireplace, the way he jiggled his leg as he drank, the way he always seemed to be in motion, Draco thought perhaps they could be...acquaintances or something of that sort.

And to Draco, that didn't seem all that bad.

LOVE ME OR HATE ME ◦ H. POTTER, D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now