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Fall began to slowly fade into winter. Draco was surprised to already see little white flakes on the windowsill, tracing his hand along the condensation that had formed. He was alone in the shared room for now, as Harry had quickly run off with the excuse of 'Hogsmeade'. 

Not that Draco didn't mind being alone. He loved being alone. It was nice to have silence, and not have to deal with your roommate's annoying snoring. Sometimes Draco had the urge to suffocate Harry with his own pillow. That would serve him right.

Draco frowned as he spotted a motley group crossing the bridge, heading back to the castle from Hogsmeade. It was lead by a familiar black-haired figure, and of course included Weasel and Mudblood. Harry seemed to be jabbering on about something important, and the others were nodding in agreement.

Was he starting a cult or something?

Draco drew away from the window, shivering a bit. It was awful drafty up here. He sighed and went over to his dresser to grab out a warm sweater to wear.

The door smacked open at that very moment and Harry came trooping inside, covered in snow. His cheeks were pleasantly flushed from the brisk air, and he wore a stupid-looking grin.

"I'm back!" he said cheerfully.

"And I don't care." Draco muttered to himself.

Harry frowned, coming into the bedroom to take off his outer wear. "What's got you in such a mood? You were perfectly happy when I left."

Draco rolled his eyes and ignored Harry entirely. Harry wasn't fazed, coming over to stand beside him and look out the window.

"It's nice outside." Harry commented. "You should go out. Enjoy it while it lasts, before all of the rain comes back in the spring."

"No thank you." Draco said delicately, slipping his sweater over his head. "I'm already cold enough, and I don't want to get even more cold."

"Buzzkill." Harry accused, draping his jacket across a chair. "I mean, you could have come with me-"

"Let me stop you right there, Potter." Draco said, turning around to face the other boy. "Number one, your friends hate me. Number two, the weather is bloody freezing! And number three, why would I want to hang out with the likes of you? I was curled up in here with a nice thick novel, and that was good enough for me."

Harry's expression actually looked hurt, which surprised Draco. 

"I thought we were actually becoming some sort of friends. I guess I thought wrong." he said quietly, then turned his back to Draco and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Potter!" Draco called after him. "Potter. Harry."

It wasn't any use. The shower was already running, and Draco had a feeling Harry would be in there for a long while.


Harry picked at his dinner in the Great Hall, his expression sullen. 

Hermione could tell exactly what Harry was thinking. He was a very readable person. She could tell from his body language, and his expression, that he had gotten into a fight with Draco. Usually, Harry would be angry and brimming with ideas for payback after he had had another fight with Draco. But now he just seemed...sad.

"Harry?" she asked softly, hoping she could coax her best friend into opening up. "Harry, please look at me. I know something's the matter with you."

"Nothing's the matter, Hermione." Harry snapped, not even looking up from his plate. "Leave me alone, will you?"

Hermione frowned at him, setting down her book. "No need to get all pissy at me. But I know you, Harry, and you're only sulky if someone said something you didn't like."

LOVE ME OR HATE ME ◦ H. POTTER, D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now