6. Tango with the snake

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The next morning I skipped down the stairs with a bounce.

"Good morning squad!" I chirped, walking into the kitchen and going to make myself a bowl of cereal.

"You're mental for being this happy this early." Austin grumbled from his spot on the counter.

Cash still met me with a grin.

"I'm just excited to bring forth a sociopath to justice." I grinned, ruffling the hair on Austin's head.

I had grown significantly closer to the two since yesterday.

After Cash had come up with a kickass plan to bring down Luke, we had spent the rest of the day playing board games and watching movies.

I had gotten to know the two a lot better, and was finding it more and more easier to be myself around them.

Austin swatted my hand away in annoyance.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Cash asked me now, sipping his green tea as he watched me take a seat next to Austin.

"Of course. Don't you fret no more." I scolded, giggling when he rolled his eyes.

"Who knew she'd get all excited and happy about constructing a mastermind plan to bring down satan's spawn." Austin shook is head.

I simply stuffed my face with spoonfuls of Lucky Charms happily.

I could feel the two staring at me still and looked up to glare at the both of them. "You're treating me like I'm a zoo animal again." I warned.

Yesterday, I had also made it clear to them that they had to stop watching my every move as if I were some alien. Sure, they didn't know my past still and were unsure about a lot of things, but now that I was growing more comfortable around them, I didn't mind telling them off when I felt like I was some amusing chimp in a cage.

Austin had justified it by saying it was due to me being the first girl they'd ever lived with.

"Sorry." They both immediately apologized, looking away instantly.

I smirked in satisfaction. I felt like Bane from Batman.

Once I had finished up breakfast and went over the plan with Austin and Cash once more, I followed Cash out of the penthouse towards his car to give me a ride to work.

I stared down at the little device in my hand. It was a tiny rectangular remote, about the size of a matchbox, with a red button on it. All I had to do was hold it down for three seconds and Cash would immediately get a signal that I was in danger. There was also a built-in tracker inside of it.

I had asked how dangerous Luke really was, and the two had told me that he was unpredictable. But they had reassured me that as long as I stayed inside the diner, I would be safe.

"Do you have a pocket to keep it in?" Cash asked now. He had parked the car around the diner.

I turned to face him and smirked. "I was thinking of somewhere more secure." I then tugged the neck of my shirt away from me and stuck the little remote inside my bra.

Cash looked at me unimpressed.

"Well, good luck. Be safe, and don't agree to let him drive you anywhere." Cash told me.

I nodded, before shooting him a wink and turning to leave.

"I'll see you when you're done." Cash said as I stepped out of the car.

"See you later, hefenator." I mock-saluted, causing him to grin in amusement before he took off.

I took a deep breath, before facing the stage.

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