8. Sparks

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"Do you guys want a drink?" Austin asked as we made our way back inside the club.

The lovely bouncer at the front, Derek, had recognized me and was nice enough to let Cash, Austin, and I skip the line. He had been even more happy when I'd told him I was the one who had gotten Luke arrested.

It seemed like no one really liked him.

"No thanks, I don't drink." I smiled politely at Austin.

"But you were having vodkas at the table earlier." Cash commented.

He really had been keeping a good eye on me...

"That was just water." I shrugged with a grin.

"Clever girl. Cash?" Austin asked his friend now.

He looked down at me, before smiling and turning to Austin. "If she's dancing sober then I will as well."

Austin just gave us both looks, before sighing. "I guess I'll be the only one having fun then." He said, before spinning around and walking off to the bar.

"Don't worry, he'll find himself some company pretty soon." Cash laughed.

"I think he already has." I said, grinning in amusement as I saw a cute girl wearing a sexy dress had stopped Austin on his way to the bar and was talking closely to him.

Pretty soon, he had his arm around her waist and was leading her to the bar.

"What a guy." Cash shook his head.

"Is it normally the both of you doing that?" I asked jokingly.

"I haven't been to a club since my birthday last year. After some girl threw up on my shoes, I vowed to never step into one again." Cash cringed at the memory.

I laughed full on at that. "Well then let me give you a better experience then." I said seductively, before grinning and grabbing his hand, pulling him deep into the crowded dance floor.

The song changed and started to play one which caused me to start jumping in excitement. "This is my song!" I screamed.

Cash laughed. "That's what every girl says to every song."

"Well this girl has never been to a club so I don't care!" I yelled, before throwing my arms up and starting to move to the music.

Cash looked at me in surprise and amusement, before starting to dance as well.

He didn't grab my waist and start grinding on me which I admired. Instead, we stood facing each other and moving in synchronicity.

"Here comes the two to the three to the four. Everybody drunk out on the dance floor!" I yelled along to the song, swinging my hips from side to side.

I was scared I was dancing embarrassingly but was reassured when I saw some heads turn and pretty soon Cash and I were getting center attention, everyone around us cheering us on.

Cash was a pretty good dancer I had to say. It was undeniably hot how he was moving.

I giggled as more people cheered us on. I stepped closer to Cash, throwing an arm over his shoulder and moving my hips as I dropped it low slowly.

That caused the crowd around us to go wild.

Cash didn't notice as his electric eyes were trained on me.

His hand gripped my waist and he rolled his body along mine, causing me to bite my lip as I grinned. I didn't know if I could handle this much heat.

I spun around and started twerking. It was my first time at a club. Sue me!

I felt Cash's hands on my waist as he pressed into me and we continued to dirty dance until the song was over.

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