4. Motive

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I made my way down the steps in a formal white button-up and black leggings, with my hair pulled neatly back in a bun. Unfortunately, the majority of my clothes were still at my old house, and I couldn't really fit more than three outfits in my backpack. Clutching the stack of freshly-printed resumes in a folder, I looked up to see Cash sitting on the couch, watching a game on the television with a laptop on his lap.

"You look nice, but a formal skirt and some heels would look a lot better." Cash commented, glancing up from his laptop.

I sighed in frustration. "Well I couldn't really fit heels in that small backpack on my way out of my old place."

Cash's attention perked up at the mention of my old house, but his curious gaze dropped when he knew I wouldn't be opening up to him anytime soon. "Well, I have good news for you. My friend Luke said you could come in for an interview in an hour at his diner. That gives us enough time to find you some heels and a formal skirt." Cash said, shutting his laptop and placing it to the side as he got up.

"What? No way, I told you I'm not taking any more help from you." I said stubbornly, crossing my arms defiantly.

Cash chuckled. "Cute. You can pay me back on your first paycheck. Or you could keep the tag on and return it after if it makes you feel better." Cash promised.

I looked down at my black leggings which I had tried hard to dust off all the lint from, then at my tattered flats. I settled with a sigh. "Fine. I'll keep the tags on and we'll return it later."

Cash smirked at that, grabbing his keys off the table and heading towards the door. "Shall we, ma'am?" 

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. "Why are you so excited about this even?" 

Cash frowned and thought of an answer, before shrugging. "Work is slow, I was in need for an excuse to go out."

I shook my head, following him out now and towards the elevator.

Ten minutes later, we were pulling into the parking lot of a large mall.

I looked out the window with a pout, watching Cash come to my side and open the door for me, offering his hand.

"I hate shopping." Was all I said, before hopping out of the large truck myself and making my way towards the entrance, Cash running up behind me.

"Do you like Cinnabons?" Cash asked, looking at me with a glint in his eyes.

My eyes lit up at the word. I stopped myself from immediately screaming 'yes', and instead settled with a frown. "Those things are so bad for you on so many levels." 

"Okay fine, I'll just get one for myself." Cash shrugged, leading the way to the sinfully delicious bakery shop.

Five minutes later, I was sitting across from Cash on a table outside the mall, stuffing a fork full of cinnabon into my mouth shamelessly as he did the same.

I had broken last minute. He had been ready to pay for his own roll, having asked me at least twenty times if I was sure I didn't want one. It was quite embarrassing when I had knocked his card out of his hand as he was about to pay and screamed at the poor lady at the cashier 'Fine, I'll take your devilish goods!'.

I ignored Cash's smug eyes trained on me as I indulged in the bun.

"You look so ha--"

"Shut up!" I cut him off, glaring at him before shoving another bite in my mouth and instantly relaxing.

Cash looked at me with amusement, letting out a short laugh. "At least I know what to get you if you ever get mad."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No, you're done doing favors for me. I'm paying you back the four dollars and eighteen cents for this roll, and I will return and get a refund for the skirt and shoes today. After that, no more." I ordered.

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