5. Mastermind Plan

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Cash came out the elevator and met me with a grin. "So? You got it, right?"

I couldn't help but smile back at him, nodding in excitement.

His grin widened as he without warning grabbed me in a hug and twirled me around a few times.

I giggled in his arms and he finally placed me down before I got too dizzy. 

"Congratulations Ashley." Cash grinned.

"Thanks Cash." I grinned as we got into the elevator.

"So Luke gave you a ride home?" Cash asked curiously as he pressed the button to our floor and the doors slid closed.

"Yeah." I answered, unsure if I should even tell him what had went down.

The situation made me feel uncomfortable, but I finally had a job. I didn't no anywhere else where I could start working instantly like this. The best I could do was go into work tomorrow and set things straight with Luke. Or maybe I should wait until I managed to get another job elsewhere and had that secured.

"Ashley? What's wrong?" Cash's words broke my train of thought and caused me to look up at him.

So I asked something simpler instead that could maybe help me understand Luke's motives better.

"What's the deal between you and Luke?" I asked.

Cash looked surprised at my question. "Well, he's closer with Austin than he is with me. We used to be best-friends but ever since he ended up owning that diner, he's been more distant and closed off. Why?"

I shrugged. "He just told me to be careful around you. He said to watch out for your motives." I gave Cash a suspicious look.

He stared back at me, before letting out a dry laugh. "Of course that bastard did. I didn't say anything seeing as he's your new boss and I didn't want to discourage you." Cash shook his head as we both stepped out the elevator and down the hall.

"He's a shady guy. I don't know what he does exactly, but I know it's definitely illegal. I did make an agreement that he would respect you and not try anything, seeing as he's a major player." Cash explained, before looking at me with sudden concern. "Why, he didn't try anything on you, did he?"

I stared up into his fiery grey eyes and tried to decide if I should tell him or not.

The issue was pretty awkward, and although I wanted to believe that I could handle it, I had a strong urge to let Cash know.

"Well I did find it odd that he hired me on the spot within two minutes of meeting me. Then he insisted on driving me home, told me not to trust you, and then as he pulled up outside, he brushed back a strand of my hair." I spilled all the events of the past two hours, unable to contain it any longer.

Cash's gaze hardened and he pushed open the door to our place with a loud bang, storming in and throwing the keys on the table.

"Fuck. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew if I asked him to stay away from you, he'd only do the opposite." Cash shook his head in anger.

"Hey, did you get it?" Austin asked me excitedly as he skipped out of his room. "What happened?" He asked right after, looking at Cash's angered state.

"Your sleazebag friend couldn't keep his hands off of Ashley, that's what." Cash snapped.

Austin's brows furrowed in concern as his eyes snapped to me.

"Look, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. I'll go clear things up with him tomorrow and let him know he needs to keep things professional." I said, trying to calm down Cash.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry Ashley. I thought he was still with his current girlfriend and he gave me his word that he would respect you." Austin shook his head.

"He's a manipulative emotionally abusive asshole." Cash snapped.

I looked between the two in concern. "If he was so bad, why wouldn't you guys let me apply elsewhere?" I raised a brow.

"Because, I plan to buy his diner by the end of the month. The FBI are catching up to his illegal activities and it's only a matter of time until he gets caught and taken down." Cash explained.

"That's fine, and congrats in advance. But I can handle it, now that I know what he's up to. If it's only until the end of the month, I can hold my own and make sure he doesn't try anything. Otherwise I'll report him myself." I crossed my arms.

Cash looked at me with a look of approval. "I believe you can, Ashley. But I'd rather not risk it."

"Come on! I could be like your guys' little informant. I could be an undercover spy." I winked at them both. "I could act as if I'm into him, try to get him to spill all his dirty little secrets on file, then shut down the sociopath!" I grinned excitedly.

"Yes!" Austin cheered me on. "That's brilliant! See Cash, this is why we needed a female mind in this place."

I laughed with Austin and looked to Cash expectantly.

"I still think it's a bad idea." He simply said.

"Why? If she plays along, there will be no issue." Austin backed up my plan.

"So you're okay to pretend and be into him while you let him touch you?" Cash asked, the thought seeming to bother him quite a bit.

I scrunched my nose at that. "No, of course not. I'm not going to whore myself out for information." I gave him a glare. "I'll just be super enticing with my words. Plus, no contact will only drive him mad and completely under my control." I winked at him.

Austin whistled. "She's got a point."

Cash thought it over, thinking to himself. "Alright, fine. It is a good idea, but I'm still concerned for your safety. We're just going to have to take extra precaution, and make sure that if you're ever in a situation you can't get out of, you can let Austin and I know through a signal." Cash started forming the plan.

I grinned excitedly. "Ooo! We get to use gadgets!"

"Yes!" Austin grinned.

"I thought you guys were friends though." I looked to Austin in question.

He simply rolled his eyes. "Hell no. We only pretended to, otherwise he would most definitely try to take us down. Cash is pretty powerful, and he knows how easy it would be for us to destroy him. That's why we've always pretended to stay on good terms."

I nodded in understanding.

"Alright enough chatting. You guys ready to hear how this is going to go down?" Cash asked, looking between us with a grin.

I grinned back and we crouched around the kitchen counter as Cash started explaining his mastermind plan.

Thank you Luke, for making me question Cash's motives and leading me right to your true colors...




Okay, here's the next one. Please support it by voting and I'll upload the next chapter as quickly as possible! Thanks you beauties, see you around.


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