Chapter 9

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A/N: Guess who's back? Back again!
^ please ignore that XD
I'm super stoked to be writing again cause I know the last few chapters took a long time. It's not an excuse, but I've had a lot going on that I needed to deal with and it kind of gave me some writer's block. I hope you guys understand. So I'm nervous about this new chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it and don't hate me. You'll find out why I said that at the end. ;)



While Harley and I drive to school in my car, I spend the entire time hoping for things to be better for her. No comments, no looks, no judgement.

I let her drive to keep her mind off things, and I really hope it helps. I know there's nothing I love more when I'm pissed than grabbing my headphones and my skateboard and distracting myself for a little while.

She pulls into one of the spots close to the door, probably to avoid walking by so many people, and gets out. I take her hand in mind and tell her to keep her chin up as we walk in.

A few guys I recognize from some of my classes turn the second we walk in, doing inappropriate actions at Harley. It makes me furious, but she walks up before I do.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She asks and gets in the biggest one's face.

Typical, brave Harley.

"What? It's only ok when he does it?" He laughs idiotically and the rest all join in.

"Maybe it is," I walk up to them and tell Harley to move back.

"So it is true?"

"That you're a loser with big arms to compensate for your tiny dick?"

"I'd watch what you say," the asshole crosses his arms when he glares at me and his friends move up.

"Why should he?" George shows up with rest of the guys and I quickly tell them why I'm about to fight him.

"Cause he's about to get his ass kicked."

"Is he though?" Jordon laughs and connects a punch right to the guy's jaw. "This is Harley you're talking about, and we love Harley."

The guy's 'bodyguards' stare in shock and, I think awe, while their leader spits blood out beside him.

"Looks like you guys just can't handle the truth," he scoffs, but it looks like it hurts.

"Harley's amazing, and you're trash," George states the obvious. Well, obvious to us.

"Actually, she's trash. You should probably go online more often," he winks and walks away with his goons.

"Online? Did he say online?" Harley starts to noticeably panics and pulls out her phone. "Where online?"

"I don't know. I do everything on Twitter," Danny shrugs, "check there."

We watch as she scrolls and clicks, stopping about a minute later, and her lips press into a thin line, nostrils flared, face red.

We try to catch up as she speed walks, but basically runs, down the hall.

"What's this about, Harley?" Dylan calls after her and a few people turn, but she just powers forward.

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