A Connection

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I turned in my seat and looked at Nick with tears in my eyes. How can he pick up on these things? I think there's more to this boy, he senses my abilities, and apparently has knowledge about my family. Now he's sensing what no one else ever does.

He looks at me with his ice blue eyes. "I can tell that your hurt, and I can tell- Mr. Trinnean and Ms. Gerhanna is there something you two would like to share with the class?" Mrs. Baerd cut Nick off and looked at us expectantly. I shook my head in response and sat looking straight forward the rest of the class, Nick didn't bother answering Mrs.Baerd. He kept his eyes on me the entire class.

I hugged myself, knowing that I couldn't talk to him. I stared at the blank walls of the class, visualizing my fathers eyes as he warned me to stay away from Nick.


I avoided everyone in the hallways, keeping my head down. In class I was quiet and completed my work alone without the chatter of others. When lunch came around, I didn't go to our table, nor did I even go near the cafeteria. I went to the empty library and sat in the poetry section. I sat against one of the shelves hugging my knees holding in tears. Staring at the shelve across me, in deep thought.

Suddenly, a hand touched my should and I started to scream and thrash, flashbacks flooding my head. "Ssshhhh Calm Down!" A soft hand covered my mouth as I was hugged from behind. I went quiet and started to cry. Then finally the hand was removed and I looked behind me to find.... Levi.

"You okay?" He looked at me with concern and a tight jaw watching the tears on my cheeks roll down. He wiped then away along with some of my make up.

I nodded quickly and turned my head.

"What is that on you face?! What happened Luna?" He turned my head back to him. I looked away from him again.

"Don't worry about it. I just fell." I tried to come off as nonchalant, but my voice was still shaky from the false alarm that had happened a few moments ago.

He snorted. "You fell huh?" I looked at him like he was crazy. Is he actually finding all of this funny?

"Yea, I fell. What's it to ya?!" I gave him a bitter look then got up and walked away. I felt his presence following me and I turned to look at him. My mind blows it's top.'He's ignored me for the last few days for no reason and now when I get hurt, HE LAUGHS! No No No, we are Sooo not playing this game!'

"Go Away." I say the words in a simple manner even though I was on the verge of going crazy because I wanted to cry but I also wanted to slap the crap out of him. I then ran away, seeing the hurt look on his face. I sat in the empty hallway, crying not caring if my makeup ran. 'I fell, nothing more.' I repeated in my head trying to make it true.


Nick P.O.V

'Why won't she speak to me?! They said that she was my soulmate. I'm running out of time, for heavens sake! I mean, does she not feel it too?'

I tapped the eraser at the end of my pencil against my head. 'I need her to speak to me, and she needs someone to speak to.'

I took a deep breathe as 4th period ended. I took a deep breathe and immediately felt the lure of my one and only soul mate. She was in the library, with that jealous dog Levi.

I hid behind a book case, and watched them. When he touched her cheek, I cringed involuntarily. I looked closer at her cheek, and spotted a bruise. One of the many I felt on her today. I can sense her pain, her shame and her need of protection. 'Who could have given her those bruises anyways? I must talk to her.'

I walked to my locker, leaving Levi in the library. 'Ill catch up with her in PE. I wonder if she feels the connection."

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