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"Uley? Like Sam Uley the La Push, werewolf Alpha?"

"Yes, you got a problem with that you fucking Polar Bear."

Violet Uley had come to terms with many things during the change into the supernatural; for one her brother had been turned into a shapeshifter and also stood as the alpha to the La Push pack, another being that she had lost her boyfriend to Bella Swan who only led him on for a blood sucking vampire, and finally the fact that she wasn't as normal as everyone had thought.

Sam Uley, the older of the siblings, had abruptly shifted one night in with his sister. Violet suddenly able to run and keep up with the fleeing wolf known as her brother, even managing to contain him for those first moment, which was even strange considering was she barely able to open a can of coke with out using most of her strength. They were of course terrified of what had happened, the set of siblings vowing to keep this a secret, well that is until the elders explained it all. Afterwards Violet and Sam slowly grappled with what their lives had turned into.

Then as if that wasn't enough Violets relationship with Jacob Black took a turn for the worse when he fell in love with Bella Swan. Of course Violet had seen this coming for a long time considering all the time he had spent with the older teenager but it still didn't hurt less when he finally broke up with her. The former couple having known one another since they toddlers making it that much more painful. And then of course he turned, joining Sam's pack and making it even more difficult for the younger Uley to move on.

Of course that wasn't enough, no, in fact there was vampires coming out of every direction seeking vengeance against the resident vampires and the human girl Jacob had fallen for.

If Violet could barley handle all the shit that was happening Sam was able to contain it less, he couldn't bare a thought of something happening to his little sister no matter how supernatural she actually was. So he sent her off to Seattle where she was too attend college and stay as far away from Jacob Black, the Cullens, and every other bloodsucker wanting to attack.

Violet willingly left, almost skipping in her steps as she realized, for once, she might be able to breathe. She was going to focus on school and her life outside of the supernatural, maybe even fall in love with a regular boy with regualr problems and leave the darker parts behind her. She could see a bright future for herself, one that didn't involve being imprinted on and stuck in La Push forever.

Nothing ever went as planned though, one newborn threat and flee later she was back in La Push only this time she had an attitude and an Emmett Cullen following her everywhere she went.

And then shit really got bad when everyone in La Push came to find out, yes that includes Jacob and Sam.


Idk how I feel about this 😅😅
I really shouldn't be starting another fanfic but oh well...

Emmett is my favorite jolly giant and he needs love. Plus who doesn't love Shay Mitchell dude, she's bae af.

Dedicated to isaaclahy for my beautiful cover and for listening to my crazy ideas! You guys should go check out her stories they are awesome!


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