T E N.

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"A graduation party? Really? What's it been like the 20th time you have done this?"

Violet's comment floated all the way up to Emmett who had climbed one of the larger trees lining the Cullens driveway. His pale fingers quickly fastened the twinkling Christmas lights to the trees, setting up the rest of them. Violet was on the ground, watching as her imprint rapidly intertwined the lights with the tree branches and then jumped to the next awaiting tree.

"You're doing an awful lot of complaining for someone who's only job was to look pretty." Emmett grunted down to her, keeping his eyes trained rather then on Vi. If he even gave her a glance he wouldn't be able to finish his job and he would have a vengeful Alice on his ass.

"I don't want to do anything with these heels and shorts!" She shot right back, pulling downwards on the bright red playsuit Alice had forced the Uley into before she had pranced off to graduate. Violet didn't particularly dislike the outfit, at least it wasn't a dress. She still however didn't like the black boot heels Alice had forced into, however it could have been worse.

"You can keep me from doing my job here," Emmett pointed out, attempting to keep it to himself although it shot out quickly.

Vi laughed, pushing a curled wave of her dark brown hair back. "Is that so polar bear?"

"Like you have no idea what you do to me," he scoffed with an eye roll, continuing his work without breaking conversation. "My eyes practically want to roll straight out of my body so they can be staring at you forever."

Vi again let out a giggle loud enough to sound through the forest like bells, a wonderful chorus that softly ran through Emmett's ears. He adored absolutely every noise she made.

"Okay Casanova," Vi finally answered back, ignoring the deep rose color surrounding her cheeks. "What time is everyone showing back up?"

"Well Carlisle and Esme took them out to dinner for appearances and Alice said she would be getting some last minute items so I'd say we have another two hours before they show up. She specifically asked for this stuff to be done before then though." Emmett answered, swinging to yet another tree, not making a tear in his dark jeans or grey sweatshirt.

"And why did she specifically ask for it to be done before then?" VI scoffed, watching as he secured the last of the lights. "Did she forget we are supernatural creatures with alarming speed?"

"No," Emmett jumped down from the trees, landing right next to Violet, patting his slight dirty palms together to get rid of the dirt. "She just remembered we are mates who are also two very hot individuals."

"Oh." Violets mouth formed an "O" as she realized just what he meant. Her face quickly looking away out of embarrassment. She would be lying to herself and anyone else if she said having sex with Emmett hadn't crossed her mind in the past. He was extremely hot and in her opinion this eras Hercules but she didn't know where they were in their relationship. Yes, they were mates and imprints which made the attraction much tougher to control but somehow they had kept it contained and taken things slow. Of course it wasn't any ordinary relationship where they went on countless dates before realizing they were in love, Violet somehow already knew she was head over heels for the vampire and possibly in love with him but she had no clue how he felt. Still, it wasn't like he didn't show her how much he revolved around her.

He didn't pressure her into anything, like this moment. The second the air between them was filled with two much silence Emmett turned to her with his boyish grin, pink lips grinning playfully. "So, since you've practically complained my ear off would you like me to carry you home?"

Vi wanted to kiss him for being understanding, but instead she pursed her lips and placed one hand on her hip. "I can run home, I'm not that delicate."

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