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"You have no idea how much I missed you."

Emily Young spoke to her future sister-in-law, smiling beautifully as Vi ate her bowl of cereal atop the kitchen counter. Her long, tan legs swung back and forth in her pajama bottoms.

"All that testosterone getting to you?" Vi laughed, referring to the loads of young boys constantly going in and out there home.

Emily flipped a pancake, her brown eyes trailing towards the oven every few seconds. She giggled along with the younger girl, nodding, "well yes. I can only take so much ninja turtles cartoons before I actually wolf out on someone."

Violet snorted with laughter, tilting her head back and cupping her mouth so the mouthful of milk wouldn't fall out. These girly antics she had with Emily were most certainly one of her best memories. It was lonely up in Seattle and she couldn't spend every waking moment on the phone with her family.

There laughter died down, Emily placing another pancake atop the stack she had already done.

Violet noted the small sadness behind Emily's eyes, one she had seen in the past and knew exactly why. She hoped down from the counter, setting her bowl in the sink and sighing," she's still not talking to you?"

"Can't blame her," Emily shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know how to fix it."

Violet pursed her lips, clamping a hand gently on her shoulders. "I would talk to her but you know we kind of don't get along. Family always reconciles though, one day, maybe not in the near future, but one day she will move on. She knows how happy you and Sam are."

Emily sighs, shaking away the tears that threaten to spill while Violet pursed her lips. It was no secret that her brothers former fiancée and Vi never got along. She knew however that Leah made her brother happy so she shut up most of the time about it. Leah wasn't the easiest person to get along with, unlike Seth her younger brother, but Violet put in efforts often times. When the imprint went down and Leah wasn't it Violet felt pity for the girl. Her own cousin had been the one instead of her.

Since Leah had turned it had become even worse for the girl, her temper was always up and she was constantly snapping at everyone. It was either snapping at one of the boys or Sam, even Emily most days although often time Violet did stand up to her and that would lead to even nastier fights. Violet didn't see why she kept coming around but she guessed it was for the pack, even though she knew most of the boys hated her. She was the only one ballsy enough to actually give Leah shit back though, ironically enough, and that often meant that Leah and her would go tumbling through the woods.

If Violet had to guess another reason her brother had sent her off to Seattle it was because he knew they were one snap away from killing one another. Violet hadn't seen her since she arrived back in town but she had a feeling her moment would come soon. Secretly Violet was hoping for another tussle if she was being honest, she had a lot of pent out anger.

"Need some help with the eggs?" Vi asked her best friend, changing the subject rather abruptly. It was getting close to mid morning which meant the boys would be here hungry as all hell.

"Yes please," Emily nodded, pointing towards the one empty stovetop. "Do it there and quickly."

Violet nodded, pulling her hair into a ponytail and setting to work, cracking the mounds eggs. Emily only trusted her with a few small tasks since she claimed to find pride in her food so whenever Vi got the chance to do something she was always up for it. She had just poured the last egg into the large pan and was ready to scramble them up when the sliding glass door interrupted the soft music playing.

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