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As if the moment couldn't get any worse, and it was pretty high up on the shit list considering Violet had never expected any of the last few hours occurrence she had unknowingly subjected herself to the worst possible game of "Meet the Family."

Emmett had shook the much small girl, shaking her shoulders slightly and shifting the bags from one hand to the other in order to speak with her. She was freaking the hell out.

The Cullens couldn't resist but let out a tiny smile at the teenager, she had just been yelling without a care in the world and now she seemed to be as still as a statue, Jasper sensing the rapid change of emotions happening in her. He decided to help the girl out, liking the fiery personality inside her and already sensing the friendship that would happen between Alice and the Uley girl.

Violet began to come to term with reality, a cooling feeling spreading under her hot skin and letting the long held breath of air to relief.

"Uhmm hey? Sorry about the yelling?" She managed to speak out, deciding that it might be best for her to break the tension with a joke. She hadn't ever actually met someones parents, ever friend she had ever made were from childhood and even when she started dating Jacob she had known his father and sister so it had been natural.

This however was far from easygoing. Ever since Sam had turned and she had gained power all she ever heard was how terrible vampires actually were and then when Bella had come into their lives and visibly shifted much tension between the pack Vi had loathed them even more. Now however it was different, much different considering she had imprinted on the tall man grinning behind her.

She spoke and the tension broke, the first of them, Alice, approaching her using the werewolf strength she had and grinning. All before she could blink Alice was pulling her into a tight hug, her pale arms crushing the girl and her chips forward.

"It's so nice to meet!" The lyrical words came rushing out of Alice's mouth, pulling back rapidly to notice Violets surprised smile. "I've been dying to meet you and Emmett's told us so much about you already! He wouldn't let me upstairs to meet you and I was getting anxious!"

"Sorry?" Violet was barely able to get a word in edgewise as the petite, fairy like girl spoke rapidly.

"Oh no worries! You're here finally! We have so much to do! We can hang out now and I can dress you up! Emmett you should have told me you all were going out so I could have given her actual pants!" Alice continued to ramble, her face slightly dropping when she noticed the bag of chips Violet had been holding were crushed when she pulled her into the hug. "Oh I'm so sorry! I broke the chips in your bag-"

For an unknown reason Violet had already liked the girl the moment she began rambling, it was odd considering she wasn't even sure if she liked Emmett but Alice was certainly growing on her. She shot her arm out, placing a palm on Alice's shoulder and shrugged her own casually. A natural grin plastered on her face as to show the girl there was no bad blood between them. "Hey, no worries. Polar bear has like 6 more in his hands... besides I kind of liked them crushed this way."

"Polar bear..." Alice restated the nickname. Her golden eyes flickering up to Emmett's lazy smirk as the tan brunette proceeded to dump the contents of the bag into her mouth. "I like you already. And you don't smell like a wolf... a bonus."

Violet nodded at the girl, already knowing that she never had been cursed to smell like wet dog. She had been told numerous times in the past by her pack members this very thing, in fact she was told her scent lingered with nature and changed with the seasons. Her eyes noted the blonde man with curly hair who came to stand next to Alice, a thin smile on his lips.

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