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That side eye^^

"You're going to be alive. Quit worrying."

Emmett's calming voice spoke into Violets soft hair as they lay in bed, covered only by a thin sheet the brunette had woken up minutes ago. She hadn't spoken since the moment her eyes had opened to the darkening morning, her concentration on tomorrow's battle. She didn't know what to make out of it, the reality just setting in. There was a potential she could lose some of the people that meant the world to her.

"My life's worth nothing if it doesn't have the people I love Emmett." She spoke up, sounding for once weak. She felt entirely so, like the world was falling apart around her feet the longer the days went by. Soon she would be strapping up and getting ready to fight the very creatures all wanting her blood at their hands. She didn't know what she did to deserve such a cruel death but she supposed that's what came with being the wolves queen.

She still saw herself as Sam Uley's little sister, the girl who up until a year agos best trait was her ability to hold her breath underwater for minutes. Now she was throned the wolf queen with one to many attacks coming her way. A part of her felt guilty for saying it but she didn't want any part of it, the supernatural was tiring and if it weren't for Emmett and her brothers involvement she would have given up a long time ago.

"Well it's a good thing we are all coming out of this alive isn't it darling?" Emmett shifted, using his arms to lift Violet so she sat in his lap and he could look at her heavenly face. One his hand rose against her neck, the of of his thump gently massaging away the frown on her pouty lips. "You heard Jasper, with the wolves on our side there's no way those newborns can win."

"You can't ever be so sure about these things Em. Even the easiest of victories don't come without some difficulties." She sighed right back to him, her eyes locking with his.

"And we will be prepared for whatever it is that's thrown at us. Now come on we have to meet your brother in the meadow." Emmett spoke, changing the subject before Violet grew too wary.

"I seriously am beginning to hate being bait," she groaned, not moving from her spot.

"Yeah well it's either be the best bait you can be or you'll get stuck with Bella and Edward up the mountain." Emmett joked, reminding her of the other option. He would give anything for her to take the latter but the girl would never give in, this was her fight.

"Good god no thank you." Vi's nose crinkled at the mention of the couple. The image enough to have her jumping up and running to her bathroom in preparation for the day. "You might as well serve me up to the newborns right now if that's what you're thinking."


"Remind me again why this is a good idea?" Violet questioned the blonde and brunette Cullen that had accompanied her to the clearing. They now stood into that very spot where Sam would come pick her up. Tonight the fighting Cullens would be going hunting while she would be with her family for the night. Violet already felt tense because of the looming battle and being split from Emmett wasn't making it any better.

"We don't want the newborns going off into a different spot once they are headed this way. Bella's scent was already masked by the wolves and she's already up the mountain now your scent blends in with nature but it's still pretty distinguishable so we are hoping your scent will be masked by the wolves. Tomorrow you'll walk with the wolves the very same way towards this clearing and since the newborns know you'll be with the wolves they'll follow your scent. It'll lead them directly this way." Jasper explained to the short brunette who nodded along to everything he said. He was there to follow the scent and make sure it worked although they were positive it would considering the Cullens barely even knew about Violet before.

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