Chapter 8

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Damon's POV


I stopped kissing her and I looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of order, but the look on Elena's face told me to get out of here and examine the area.

"Stay here.. don't move," I say as I zoom out of the cave onto the land above me. I look around the cafe, exploring all the crevices in the building. Next I check the nearest public building, the grill. It's oddly quiet around Mystical Falls.

All of a sudden I hear a loud voice speak up.. the town square.

I run over to the square only to see Jeremy, being tied up on a poll, and a strange man pulling his hair back, holding a knife in his hand. My knowledge is almost instant. He's going to kill Jeremy.

I look closer at the man's face, realizing it was Tyler.

"TYLER! "I yell his name. His attention is on me now, and the people in the town square make a pathway for me leading directly to the pole where he was standing. I start to walk slowly towards Tyler.
"To what do I owe the pleasure today of seeing one of Elena's best friends about to slit her brothers throat open? Hm?" I say to him

"He killed... Haley.." He responds with am angry, shaky voice.

"And you have to kill him? Face it Tyler you've got Caroline and a whole other group of people that need you. Don't loose your life because you're killing Jeremy," I say to him, nervously laughing.

"I'd rather loose my life and go spend it with her than waste it here,"

And with that he cuts Jeremy.
Everyone starts to scream while Tyler runs off, and all of a sudden I see Elena running towards Jeremy, her face wet with tears, her clothes soaked making her look like she's run for miles.

"JEREMY! Jeremy wake up!! She's yelling in anger, having a very big panic attack.
Her voice starts to crack up now.
I walk near her and I hug her tight.
"He.. H-h-he killed.. Mm- y..."

But before she continues I put a finger across her lips and stroke her hair. "I know Elena. I'm so sorry.."

"Feed him your blood.. DAMON PLEASE.. PLEASE GIVE IT TO HIM!!" She cries to  me.

"I can't Elena.. He's gone.."

At this point she falls to her knees and shakes her head.

I feel so helpless. Not being able to help her, seeing her mourn over Jeremy. It proves how much she really does love him. It's something me and Stefan will never have.

"Elena, we have to go, come on," I pull her up by her arm and give her my jacket and I drape my arm over her, supporting her all the way home.

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