Chapter 11

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Hey babes! I'm back with a new chapter. I'm so so sorry for taking so long to update but I promise I have some AMAZING chapters headed your way very soon!

ALSO!! I just recently released a short story for the #ToAllTheBoysContest and it would mean the world to me if you guys would read it and drop it a vote! It'd be so amazing and crazy to go on such a journey with you guys and win this contest <3.
Thank you for your undeniable support and patience.
Enjoy the chapter.
xx & writing soon, M

~~~~ A few days later ~~~~

Today is Jeremey's funeral. There's not a dry eye in sight, except for me. I've had such a long few days with nothing but tears. At this point I can't cry anymore. I am so emotionally drained and tired.. and empty of water in my system.

Jeremey was... is my brother, and I will forever miss him, but I am happy to move on. I'm happy to clear my head and to - at least try - to be free of pain. I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel.. enlightened?

I feel enlightened until Stefan comes, that is.

"Elena, can we please talk?" he says to me.

"What is there to talk about? " I reply.

"You.. us.. everything?"

"There's nothing to talk about Stefan.." I say, backing away from him.

"Elena plea-"

"No Stefan. It's over. Please accept that," I say as I turn around and speed walk away.

I have to find Caroline and Bonnie. We have plans to go out to a bar tonight. A bar outside of Mystic Falls. It's what I need to start off my new life. It's what I need to let lose. Drinks and dancing. Lots of drinks, but more importantly, lots of dancing.

~~~~ A few minutes later ~~~~

"Hey!" I yell to Bonnie and Caroline as I see them a little ways in front of me.

They both spin around.

"FINALLY!" they say together.

"We've been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?" says Caroline.

"Sorry," I say. "I got a little caught up.." I say as I look to the side a little bit, finding Stefan with my eyes, and drifting off a little bit. What have I done?

"Oh, well are you ready to go?" Bonnie asks.

"YES! I am. I'm so ready," I say, smiling widely. I can't wait to get out of these depressing black clothes.

"Great. Let's go back to your place and get ready," says Caroline.

We say goodbye to everyone, and head off to my place.

It's around 6:00 when we reach my house. I throw on a tight black bathing suit top with a mesh see-through black shirt. I pair that with a short pair of dark blue jeans and a black gucci belt. I stuff my ID, credit card and phone into my small black fanny pack, and wrap it around my waist.Bonnie's wearing a sparkly pink crop top with black high-waisted shorts and black thigh-high boots. Caroline throws on some ripped jeans and a white and mesh striped crop top. We all look.. amazing; And we know it.

"Alright girls! Who's ready to rock tonight's dance floor?!" yells Caroline as we get into the car.

"We are! Whoooo!" respond me and Bonnie at the same time.

To keep ourselves in the mood, we blast pop music all the way to the club. It takes us about an hour to get there. It's outside of Mystic Falls. Just in the nearby town called Woodstock. The clubs there are the most interesting because there's a university right near by.. so we all know what that means. Boys. Lots of boys. Hot, university boys, who dance. Oh man. It's been so long since I've been out somewhere with boys when I wasn't stressing about an already existing one.

As we arrive, we see a pile of people waiting in line to get in. It's about 8:00 now. The club only opens at 7:45, so everyone's still in line to get in. And just like them, we join it. While we waited there were many guys who obviously threw us some looks, but we ignored them. One even slapped Caroline's behind and we all turned around and told him to f*** off.

When we finally got to the door, we showed our ID's, and entered the sex crazed, loud bar. We sat down and got us some drinks. We all order and drink the sunset rum. And let me tell you, that thing is 84% alcohol. It gets you messed up really quickly. But we didn't care. We were here to drink, and have the time of our lives. After taking about 4 shots, we were basically drunk.

While we were clearly out of our minds, a group of three guys walked over.

"Hey,"  one of them said, eyeing us up and down.

"You guys want to dance?"

Bonnie and Caroline look at each other, then at me, then back at each other, then back at the boys. They both had a very big smirk on their faces.

"Oh yes I think we would indeed like to dance," Bonnie said as she got up and nearly fell over. Caroline follows, but I stay put.

I don't feel like dancing right now, guys, but I will later!" I yell in response so they can hear me over the loud music.

"Come on Elena this is why we came here!" Said Caroline, whining under her disgusting breath of alcohol. I know I know but I'm just so drunk right now I don't even think I could stand straight," I said.

"You guys go, I'll catch up with you!"

"Suit yourself!" screamed Caroline, as she grabbed one of the boy's hands and walked away, turning around and shooting me a wink. Bonnie followed.

A few moments later, I see a tall figure sitting next to me.

"You know, you're the first girl to turn me down on a dance," I hear him say with a loud, deep voice.

I turn my head to see who this mysterious tall figure is. The sight of him takes me breath away.

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