My feet slowed to a stop on the pedals of my bicycle as I pulled up at the apartment complex building number. Shifting the bag slung on my shoulder, I pulled out my phone, checking the apartment information I had entered into my phone. Building 6, Number 1134. I begin to type a quick text to Sebastian: "I'm nearly there." It sent, and I got a quick reply with "I've left the door open, just come in." I placed my phone back in my pocket, and then stepped off my bike, beginning to search for his apartment. I found a map of the building and soon discovered 1134 was on the third floor, in the very back..I wasn't out of shape, but i certainly wasn't in it either..I didn't have much..physique..
In other words, I was a skinny weakling.
By the time I reached the top of the stairs, holding the handles of my bike and carrying it up as well as my heavy bookbag, I was panting and out of breath, heart pumping faster than usual. I tried to steady my breathing as I approached his door, leaning my bike on the wall next to it, and then opened the door.
The first thing I noticed was the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Obviously something was cooking. I wondered if he had a roommate. And then I realized he was the one cooking. He stood there, stirring a wok with a wooden spoon in his left hand, his right hand holding the handle. He turned around, hearing as I closed the door behind me. There was a white apron around his neck and tied around his waist tightly. "Oh, Ciel. Come in, sit down. I was just making dinner, I haven't eaten yet..are you hungry?" "W-well I'm alright.." My stomach then chose the perfect moment to growl in disagreement. In actuality, I had just eaten a couple pieces of toast..But I didn't want to ask him for any food. I didn't want to owe him anything. He was just my study partner, temporarily, and then the school year would be over, and I would cease contact with him.
He chuckled softly, obviously hearing it. "You're quite the liar..your stomach seems more honest than your own mouth~ Don't worry, there's enough for both of us.." I sighed in defeat, moving into the living roon to set my bag down. It was pretty nice for a small apartment, a small wooden table with two wooden chairs against the back wall, a small couch that could probably seat three near the center, a wooden coffee table in front of it. There was also a small tv hooked to the wall in front of the couch. I moved and placed my bag on the coffee table, plopping down on the couch and looking up at the tv, which was playing..some show about cats. Weird.
And then suddenly, I went into a sneezing fit. Sebastian probably noticed, because I heard him call from the kitchen, "Are you alright?.." "Are you using any spices?" I asked. If he was using any spices, especially foreign ones, that could have set me off. "No, just salt and pepper.." I began sneezing again, trying to cover my mouth the best i could with my sleeve. What was wrong with me? I looked around the room. It was spotless, no dust at all..
And then I saw it, peeking out from one of the doorways in the tiny hallway. A cat, black and slender with long white whiskers. "Meow," He greeted me, slinking towards me slowly, stretching out its long legs and back. I stood up in alarm. "A-A cat? You never mentioned a cat!" I looked over at Sebastian, who was just turning off the stove, placing the wok beside the sink, and then turning around, untying his apron and pulling it off to place on the counter. "Tanaka! What are you doing out here? I thought you were napping." Tanaka gave another meow and he walked over, rubbing his head against Sebastian's leg and purring. His eyes widened and he leaned down, picking up the black cat to eye level, nuzzling him. "'re so cute..your soft little paws..and your sweet meows-" "SEBASTIAN!" He looked over at me, startled, and then remembering why I was here. "My apologies..I guess you're allergic to cats no? They're just so cute.." He walked back over to the bedroom in which the cat had came from, and closing the door. "I actually just have asthma," I said with a weak smile. So not only was he a gay pervert, but cat obsessed as well?..
I looked up to see him place a plate in front of me. "Tonight I'm serving fresh chicken with mixed peppers, imported straight from Mexico, atop thai noodles. Please enjoy." He gave a small smirk before walking to the table with his own plate, most likely doing his own homework by the looks of it. "He's cocky.." I thought, picking up the fork and taking a bite, the food worthy of being in a 5-star restaurant. "But he's quite the chef." I couldn't say I didn't enjoy his cooking..and that I didn't eat all of it.
Soon enough, we were on the couch, books and papers around us. I groaned, rubbing at my temples with both hands. "This is stupid. I don't need to study. I already ace my tests."
Sebastian was waving papers at me, different types of study guides in his hand. "That doesn't matter! The tests you take at the end of the year are different from regular tests. If you fail, you retake this grade. Even if you have a 4.0, the tests determine everything. It doesn't matter." I groaned, running my hands down my face, keeping them over my eyes. I had good marks, but high school was still overwhelming..I was only a freshman..and I had to maintain a high grade if I wanted a scholarship anywhere, which meant doing tons of reading and work in advance. "I can't do's too stressful..I have no time to will I maintain everything?..And-"
I suddenly felt a warm hand on my arm, and Sebastian's smooth voice filled the air. "Hey. Don't worry about it. You'll get it, okay?" "Alright.." I was suprised at how kind he was acting. The same jerk who pinned me to a wall, taunted me, was now comforting me?..
I removed my hands from my face, looking over at him. I realized how close we were now, his face so close to mine I could count the long eyelashes if I wanted to, and I could feel his breath against mine. I don't know why, but I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks, as my blue eyes stared into his carnelian ones. "Ciel.." He said softly. It was a near whisper, as if speaking to loud would shatter the moment. "S-Sebastian I.."
mWGAHAJDLfl cutoff.
im evil sorry.
and yes, i made tanaka a cat. that makes me so happy.
cute little cat.
anyways, i hope the 0 people reading this liked chapter two. I'm going to try to get chapter 3 up by the end of the week, if not probably monday or Tuesday.
and i might incorporate some book of circus characters in here, idk should i? I haven't seen the ovas hng.
im hoping i can keep this account active because im not good at having second/third accounts because i never keep up with them, oops.
anyways, my sebaciel babies,
idk bYe

His Study Partner,
FanfictionModern Sebaciel Fanfic (obviously come on guys) Ciel Phantomhive, freshman at one of the top schools in London, earns the highest grades in his class. So why should Sebastian Michaelis, his new senior study partner, to help him? Although the differe...