its been like 100 years since i updated im so sorry
I stared up at Sebastian in disbelief, hoping that what he had said was some kind of joke, something to lighten the situation.
"Brother... Sure. That's a good one..."
Sebastian sighed and leaned forward in his chair, hands crossed in his lap. "Haven't you ever noticed how similar we appear?"
I considered this. Now that I pictured the two side by side, the resemblance was uncanny. I nodded wearily. "So... He really is?..."
"Technically, yes." He let out another exasperated sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. "I don't like to associate with him, or even mention him to anyone. He feels the same way. But... In this case it's important for you to know about our relation.
"Of course, growing up without a father is something unusual. There came a day when I finally worked up the nerve to ask my mom about it. I was maybe... Nine years old?" He shrugged, opening his eyes so that his red orbs were now fixated on me. "This is what she told me.
"My mother... Had fallen in love with a man. He loved her as well, so she thought. The only downside was that... She had found out he was married a few months into the relationship. She was too deep in to leave him, and he promised to divorce his wife for her. And then..." At this point, I could see his teeth clenched in anger. "He... Got his way with her. And when he found she was pregnant, he kicked her out.
"My mom wants nothing to do with him. The only contact they have is the child support he sends her." He tilted his head from side to side, and I could here the subtle noises of his neck cracking. I listened to him intently, not saying a word until I could tell he was finished. "So... Claude is related to me through my father." He said the title with such disgust laced in his voice, I felt the sting. "His mother is Faustus' wife... Naturally, he took his father's last name. I have my mother's... Michaelis." So that explained why they had different last names. Everything was clicking into place. I cleared my throat, and his eyes focused on me.
"Well... I have a question then. Does he himself know you two are related?"
"I'm not even sure," He answered honestly. "He does seem to hate me though... But that could also be because I don't like him myself and avoid him at all costs."
"Or maybe he's just a dick."
He peered at me for a moment before laughing heartedly, shaking his head. "Ahh... That too. Maybe it's a big combination." He smiled briefly, biting his lip nervously. "But... I guess now you know why I despise him so much... Even more so now that he's a probable cause for you being injured." It seemed like he growled the last part. For not even knowing me too well, he sure was heated.
"Well it does clear up a lot..." I smiled weakly. It was a bit hard to believe that Sebastian, a total stranger to me just a couple weeks prior, was now opening up his entire past to me. While a part of me was nervous with such information, the rest of me felt warm at the prospect of gaining his trust, enough so to be discussing such a touchy subject. "So...What's going to happen now? After I get out of here, I have to deal with them alone again, huh?" I felt a bit of a chill run down my spine at the memories swirling in my mind from before I blacked out. I looked down at my hands, clasping them as silence hung over the room.
I heard Sebastian take a deep breath before breaking the silence. "You... You're not going to be alone anymore now."
I looked over to the raven-haired teen with a bit of surprise, tilting my head. "What do you...mean?"
"I mean that I'm not going to let you be alone anymore." He cleared his throat. "I... want to stay by your side now."
I looked at him in disbelief. The odd boy who had teased me and given me his number was now vowing himself to be a guard to me. His eyes were so serious, they gleamed with determination. It was the most stoic I had ever seen him be in the past couple of days.
"I'm... Used to being alone already... And dealing with things on my own. So... You shouldn't have to worry about my personal affairs and needs... Alright?" I spoke slowly, trying to use my words wisely. I was flattered at the offer, but I didn't want to be a burden to him. So I would turn it down, but not be too rude about it. "You must be busy with... Senior things... Classes and studying for yo-"
"I don't care. I said it before, I'm saying it again." He interrupted me sternly, and I was compelled to listen. His teeth were gritted in anger once more, but it definitely wasn't directed at me. "I'm going to protect you from now on. Understand? Mark my words, the next time you are faced with one of those two, I will be right there to help you out. Alright?"
I felt an emotion wash over me. It was warm. Like... Appreciation. More than that. Gratitude. Admiration. For what he would do for me, for a lowlife nothing like me... For what? For my benefit only. He must've been a guardian angel sent down to me. To not feel alone, for the first time in years... What a feeling.
I could feel tears form in the corner of my eyes and I quickly wiped them away before they could spill and be obvious to Sebastian. I sniffed softly, feeling so off from how I usually behaved. I hadn't cried since... That day.
"Fine... I guess I can't stop you either way..." I looked to him with a smile, feeling genuine happiness in this moment.
He leaned a bit closer, blinking at my expression before taking my hands in his. "Ah, are you going to cry? Please don't..." He smiled in return to me, laughing breathlessly. "You'll make me cry too."
I looked down at the bed sheets for a moment before looking back up into crimson eyes. The shadows of the open blinds were cast over the bed and over us, stripes of shadow and light engulfing Sebastian's figure. His hands were warm, they held mine like something precious, like a kid who had found the prettiest seashell on the beach and was making sure they wouldn't lose it. His fingers wrapped around mine, I let them be, enjoying another person's comfort for once. His head turned to stare out the window, a beautiful sunset waiting there, the colors illuminating the two of us.
"You won't ever have to deal with this alone, I swear it."
it's been like over a year im so sorry ive been gone so long!! im super bad at schedules oops!
but anyways its summer here so im a bit more free to write m a y b e ? dont hold me to this but i might crank out another chapter within a couple weeks
thank you all for the mass amount of feedback on this even though it's so shitty and it's been so long!! like 13.5k views?? hUH? why me
also its like 330 am here as im finishing this up so please excuse the bad quality...i hope those who have been waiting a while for a new chapter get what they've been wanting
ok gotta go deprive myself of sleep elsewhere bYE

His Study Partner,
Fiksi PenggemarModern Sebaciel Fanfic (obviously come on guys) Ciel Phantomhive, freshman at one of the top schools in London, earns the highest grades in his class. So why should Sebastian Michaelis, his new senior study partner, to help him? Although the differe...