His Study Partner, Interrupted

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I apologize in advance for this.
"S-Sebastian, I.."


The alarm on my phone went off, making us jump back in suprise, moving to two sepeare ends of the couch. I looked over at the time on my phone. 8:22. Shit.

I began grabbing my books and papers, shoving them hastily into my bookbag. "Ciel, what are you-" "I have to go!" I interrupted, hastily slinging my bookbag onto my shoulder, heading quickly to the door. "She's going to kill me! "Ciel wait-" Slam. I closed the door behind me, uninterested in what he had to say. Only one thing was important now.

I grabbed my bike quickly, getting down the stairs as quickly as I could, and then hopped on my bike, taking off.

I raced through the streets of London, the cool night air whipping past me. I peddled like my life depended on it. Which was fairly accurate.

There was barely anyone out and about this late at night, but those who were stared at me as I passed. My breath was already ragged, but I couldn't stop. I had to make it home.

I had no idea what she would do.

I finally arrived at the steps of the small apartments, skinny but tall, all close together as if it were a sandwhich. I quickly threw down my bike beside the stairs, running up them, about to open the door with my key.

But before I could, it already opened, and she stood there.

Madame Red.

In all honesty, she was my aunt. But she sure as hell never treated me as a nephew. I was merely an income for her, a couple more bucks to fuel her drinking habits.

"Ciel Phantomhive! Where the hell have you been?"

She was glowering with anger, and her red attire only seemed to make her smolder more. It was all I could do to keep from snickering. "Madame Red I'm sorry, I was out studying, it was a school grade-" "I don't want to hear it!"


Her hand flew across my face. I could feel where she hit me, my left cheek stinging. I hoped the red mark wouldn't show up the next day.

"Get your stuff. Outside. Ten minutes. Go."

She stepped out of the door frame and I sighed, moving past her and running up the steep steps of the small apartment to the attic, where I resided. 

There was a metal pole running from one wall to the next, with rusty metal hangers where I hung my clothes. Besides that, there was only a small, old bed against one wall and a dresser beside it, mainly just for my alarm clock and a couple of items of importance to me. I dropped my bag onto the floor, quickly pulling out pajamas and throwing them on.

I was already used to this, for Madame Red was always quite angry with me, so she often kicked me outside for the night. I could never report her behavior, because then I would be moved from her apartment to foster care, away from my school district. And I couldn't let that happen. I had no other family to go to now.

As soon as I finished changing, my clothes in a small pile in the corner of the room, I grabbed the only blanket and pillow I owned, along with the inhaler at my bedside. It was getting colder now, the air getting harder to breathe. And Madame Red surely wouldn't miss out on any opportunity to cash in on my life insurance.

I began to run back down the steps, only in pajamas and socks, with my blanket and pillow clutched visibly in my hands. I passed Madame Red, who said "6:22. You're getting slower everyday." Without acknowledging her, I stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

It was chilly, but it wasn't that bad. I've gone through worse in the past winters. I placed my pillow at the foot of our steps, taking in from the inhaler before placing it down on the first step. And then all that was left was..

The stuffed rabbit.

I thought it a bit silly that, even now almost at the age of fifteen, I still kept a stuffed animal around. But this one was different..

When I was younger, I used to always go to my father's work, which was being the owner of the Funtom Company. I used to give him ideas of toys, and try out the new sweets that were manufactured. They were always quite silly, so I guess he used them to appeal to other kids. But one day, I had thought up this..

I gazed down at the rabbit. Pure white 'fur', made purely from cotton. He wore a tailored suit, as if he were going to attend a ball. But the thing that made it quite so unique was there was only one blue bead for an eye, on the left. Where there should have been another one was a black, velvet eyepatch, sewn on around the bunny's head. I had forgotten how I had come up with such an idea, but since I was only a bit younger then nine at the time, the randomness of it made sense.

My dad had it manufactured without me aware, with the encouragement of my mother. They were planning on giving it to me for my ninth birthday as a suprise, I assume. It had come in the day before.

Hah..my ninth birthday..

My mother and father always woke so early in the morning, my mother to cook and clean and tend to the manor's needs, my father to work at the Funtom Company, where he stayed all day until he came home late in the evening. They always seemed quite exhausted, but they loved each other.

So on that morning, I turned off their alarm clocks. I wanted them to sleep in, to relax for a little bit. My father could miss one day of work, right? I could clean the house for my mum. They deserved it.

So I left to school, I left them asleep. I was so happy, I was doing a good thing..

And then I came home to flames.

I could see my tears drip onto the rabbit, just looking at it brought black a flash of memories, both good and bad.

But it was the bad that always haunted me.

The flames, the ashes, sirens wailing in the distance. The house was in shambles, the fire so out of control, I heard someone say "Couldn't even recover their bodies.."

The rabbit was the only thing I had left of them. It was left in a small present box back at my parent's job, where the manufacturers were watching over it until I had gotten home from school. They were going to give it to me..

I still have the card they wrote to me. Saying how much they loved me, how I had grown. How they couldn't wait to see how I would continue to succeed. How they wanted me to be happy.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

I sighed, finally laying down on the concrete, the rabbit clutched to my chest under the blanket. Yes, it was childish, but it was all I had left of them. Beside the fortune they had left me. Which means nothing. All of that money couldn't bring them back.

They wanted me to be happy, but I found true happiness with them. True peace with loving parents. They wanted me to be myself, but all I want to do now is make them proud. That's why I take Madame Red's treatment, why I study so hard, why I have to make the highest marks.

To make them proud.

I held the bunny tightly, staring up at the starry sky. The streets were dark, there weren't many street lights in this area of town. It was poorer. No one was out. No one would see me.

I gazed at the stars. There seemed to be two directly in front of me, shining brightly among the rest.

"That makes sense, right?.." I whispered to them.
sigh this chapter made me so sad im sO SAD WAHH
but i really had to nail this backstory into you guys
it's been haunting me

also Madame Red is a bitch amiright guys? :DDD

next chapter isn't going to be as sad as this one, i promise

maybe a bit aggresive and sexual tension-y but whatever

im spoiling oops gtg post this on instagram

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