His Study Partner, Waiting

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if you guys r clueless btw in the last chapter Sebastian was crying
poor babe

My body ached. That's the first thing I could tell when I finally gained conscious. Who knows how long it has been. The next thing I could feel was sheets. My fingertips curled as they ran over the soft, silk fabric. Something I definitely wasn't used to. I tried to enjoy that bed for a few moments, but I knew I had been injured. I felt pain in my stomach, my chest, my head. That was when I tried to open my eyes, only to realize I could only open one eye. My left. 'Shit,' Is the only thought I could muster. There I knew I was definitely in a hospital. And knew there had to be at least one person who wondered when I would wake again if I was here. So despite the dull throbbing pain all over my body, I sat up, grunting softly.

And there he was, speak of the devil. 

The room was dim, the sun low in the sky in the wide window to my left. To my right, against the wall, was a tall figure slumped over in a chair, arms crossed, legs outstretched and head leaned back against the wall. I recognized that uniform, those dark raven black locks... But could it really be him?


My voice was hoarse and I coughed a bit, clearing my throat. Suddenly he roused, body shifted as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. I fixed the hospital gown on me, the thin sheet barely covering up my nude body. Did he see that? I hope he didn't see me like that. I was glad then it was so dark to hide my flushed cheeks.

And then those crimson eyes focused on me and hell, I knew it was him. "Ciel... You're awake..." He stood up, moving his chair and seating himself directly beside me. "How long have I been out?... And why is my eye bandaged? Am I going to be blind?..." I murmured, my voice still sounding a bit weak. Instead of answering, he reached beside him to a table I hadn't took notice of before, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to me. I silently accepted it, taking a long needed drink as he spoke. "About a day... God, when they brought you in here, I didn't know if..." He bit his lip hard, and I could tell how he scrutinized me, it was as if those gleaming eyes were staring a hole straight into me. "And I don't know about your eye yet.. They were waiting until you woke up to say anything about it..." He hung his head slightly, crossing his hands in his lap, and speaking in just above a whisper.

"I-I... Was so worried..."

Worried? Worried about me? Hah, what a joke. Not even my aunt was here, my only family, and this guy I had just become acquaintanced with merely three days prior cared about me. Right. Yet... There was something in that look in his eyes, the fact that he had stayed in my room... He seemed so genuine. He seemed so... caring.

"It was... Alois, wasn't it?" At the mention of the blonde, Sebastian immediately tensed up, gritting his teeth. "Stupid brat..." He muttered, his hands clasped so tightly now I could see them turning white in the darkness. "Yeah, they have him suspended ten days... He should've been expelled, but his parents are stupid rich and bribed the school to let him stay. What bullshit." He sighed, running his fingers through his messy locks, only making it even more tousled. I watched him quietly, taking another sip from my glass, relieving my parched throat as I finished the glass and set it back down on the table. "I just don't understand... He's never acted violently towards me, it's always been harmless taunting... And now-"


I was taken by surprise as my hands were suddenly grabbed, his large slender hands engulfing my smaller ones, cold to the touch, the warmth a stark comparison. "What if he tries to hurt you again.. I saw how no one wanted to help you... No one intervened as you lay on the ground helpless... No.. One..." I could see his jaw moving, teeth grinding behind lips set in an obviously worried frown. "I'm going to protect you now... I'm going to make sure of it. Okay?"

I was stunned. Why did he want to protect me, out of all people? I was used to relying on my own strength to get me through school, through my aunt, through my parents' tragedy. Now I had someone willing to be at my side... It was unbelievable. It felt... Nice. He seemed genuine, so very genuine as his carnelian eyes stared into my one blue. "A-Alright.. But.. There's really no need..."

He kept my hands in his as he squeezed them tightly, the glow of the sunset washing over us, our silhouette cast across the tile floor of the hospital room. He then pulled his hands away after a moment, rubbing the back of his neck with a soft smile. "If you get any more injured than this, I'm going to blame myself. So I most certainly won't let that happen. I'm going to make sure you stay safe. I promise."

"Promise..." I nodded, returning the smile with a weak one. "Thank you so much..." I nodded a bit, once again thankful for the lighting of the room. "Oh, and I meant to say earlier... I feel like Claude.. You know, Alois' study partner... Had something to do with what happened. Like, He didn't even seem surprised... He stood there like he knew what was going to happen."

Sebastian made a noise under his breath. "Tch... Faustus." "What, do you know him?"

"How couldn't I... He's my brother."

"Wait... Brother?"
woah it's been m o n t h s guys thanks for 2.7K reads for some reason
also thanks for sticking around, to the people reading now, and commenting and voting and adding my book to their list. i see you guys.
ive been procrastinating so many things, so I'm glad it's summer so i can finally focus more on stuff like this. but alas, i still have a crap ton of summer work so i apologize in advance if i disappear for another five months.
once again thanks for those who have been here since febuary. ily!
happy reading sebaciel babies

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