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I winced at the howls and barks and growls. I was at the shelter and was going to adopt a dog- hopefully. My eyes scanned over the cages skimming over mutts and street hounds.

Don't get me wrong I love animals but none of them... I don't know how to put it... They weren't good enough? Nope that's a bad way of saying it. They didn't catch my eye. Yep that's it.

A stagnant must hung in the air as I walked along. Suddenly a clanging noise caught my attention.

"I need a little help here!" A yell rang out and a staff member pushed past me taking off down the hall toward the yell. I being the nosy person I am followed. A growling noise and barking made my heart pound as I turned the corner and I froze.

It was the biggest dog I'd seen. It's black fur stood on end and its large head and pristine toothed jaws snapped at the handler who held a catch-pole around the creatures neck, keeping it away from him and a little at bay.

"What kind of dog is that?" I asked it looked like a husky but there was a wild look to it like a damn wolf. But there were no wolves around here. Well none that I knew of.

"Okay—we think it's a wolf-hybrid... but we don't want to say because there are dogs that closely resemble wolves—though he might be one—no; a wolf wouldn't be here. He's either a dog or a hybrid. Trouble maker this one. So goddam aggressive we might have to put him down." The guy with a catch-pole grunted as the dog tried to lunge.

"Aww come on don't kill it. Hey! Dog! Calm down boy!" I said trying to lessen the animal's struggle, I didn't want it to be euthanized. Call me crazy but I felt like this dog was the one. The surprising thing was the beast stopped fighting and looked at me. It's eyes seemed to stare into my soul and it was creepy but cool.

"How much for him?" I asked and was greeted by looks of disbelief from the staff. The dog growled softly and wagged his tail. His head swung back and forth as he looked at the three of us and he seemed to be assessing everything.

"Woah looky there. Did Monster just wag his tail? We nicknamed him that." The staff member a woman asked and the dog growled and his tail dropped. I laughed softly and the dog lolled out its tongue and walked toward me. The handler grunted and tried to pull him back.

"Damn I can't hold him." The guy gasped as Monster lurched forward and the catch-pole was ripped from the guy's grasp. I yelped as the huge mutt came running at me.

"Watch out!" The woman staff yelled but my eyes had already closed as I cowered waiting for impact. No point in running. I tensed as the thing barged into me and I landed with a thud on the hard ground. I groaned in pain as my head came in contact with the floor. I heard a whine and I hesitantly opened my eyes.

The dog crouched over me and whined again and prodded me with his nose. My heart was racing and I was breathing heavily. Monster yipped and my heart froze as he opened his mouth revealing his sharp white teeth. He swooped in for the kill and I shrieked.

I paused as my cheek was covered in slobber. He was licking me! Aww.

Wait or maybe he's just taste testing? He paused and tensed before licking me again and stepping back giving his fur a good shake as he did so. Then he plopped his haunches down and wagged his tail furiously like a little puppy dog. It was actually quite adorable.

"I'll take him." I said standing up and brushing my clothes off. The dog howled softly and wagged his tail. It pranced around and I giggled. Silly mutt.

"Well... Okay then. You sure?" I nodded at the staff.

"Positive? He's a crazy mutt. If he attacks you-" the guy's voice was drowned out by a snarl from Monster and he flinched and shut his mouth.

"I think he understands you." I chuckled. The dog looked at me and wagged his tail.

"You're a smart one aren't you?" I asked Monster and he yipped and trotted over to stand beside me like a guard dog. He dipped his head and licked my hand softly before going back to a guarding stance at my side.

"Woah looks like he just accepted you as his owner or something- kinda creepy." The staff looked at Monster and he snarled. I hushed him and laid my hand on his head. He relaxed and whined. His tail hit my side as it wagged.

"What to name you?" I asked looking down at him. He looked up at me and tilted his head to the side.

"Hmm? How about Rocky?" I thought out loud and Monster growled. I chuckled and shook my head. I stared at him and realized his eyes were shifting from yellowish gold to deep red.

Why wasn't I weirded out by this? I should be... his eyes changed colors, but I wasn't—for some reason.

Hmm. That's it!

"Alpha." Monster perked his ears as the name slipped involuntarily out of my lips and the dog yipped. His tongue lolled out of his mouth.


"Alpha it is." I said and he snorted and licked my hand.

"Okay then... Come on there's paperwork." The woman said and I followed her as she walked away and Alpha trailed close behind. They tried to put him up but to no avail so he stayed during the paperwork.

Her Wolf AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now