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It's mating time! *don't think dirty*
But in all seriousness it is...
Okay read*

"Katlyn!" My mom screamed and ran at me almost knocking me over with her hug. My dad followed slower but I could tell he was containing his happiness. He smiled at me and hugged me. Dalton and Michael strolled up and they joined in the hug.

After we pulled away from each other Clayton walked beside me and snuck his arm around my waist. He pulled me close to him and I smiled. My parents gave me an astonished look.

"Welcome to our pack territory." Clayton said to everyone with a smile. He gave my waist a squeeze and I almost moaned at the sparks. We were on the edge of the territory and had quite a walk back to the pack house. We were walking when suddenly Clayton paused and I saw his eyes glaze over. I knew he was talking through the mind link.

I looked toward the house and saw someone running towards us. They skidded to a halt in front of us and I realized it was Drew. He ran a hand through his light brown almost blonde hair.

"Alpha Clayton there's a sit-" Drew started but froze and looked behind us. Curious I followed his gaze and saw he was staring at Dalton-who was talking to Mike. I glanced back at Drew and saw his eyes flash a glowing color. He smiled softly.

"Mate." He sighed. Clayton paused maybe waiting for Drew to make a move but he didn't and Clay glanced at me before speaking.

"Better get on that Drew. Now what was the problem?" Drew snapped out of his daze and shook his head.

"Wha-? Oh yeah... Rouge scent near the border." He said and Clayton nodded curtly. My mate turned to me with am apologetic smile.

"I gotta go check it out. I'll see you later mea lux." Clayton said kissing me quickly on the lips before turning to Drew.

"Which way?" Clayton asked and Drew looked confused.

"I'll show you." He said and Clayton shook his head, "No, talk to your mate." He added the last part in a low growl. Drew looked at me with hesitant eyes and I waved him over. Drew sighed in defeat and pointed in the direction.

"I've got him Clay." I said and my mate nodded before running off to wherever he needed to be.

"What was that?" My mother said watching Clayton run off. I smiled softly.

Drew chuckled beside me, "That's what you call Clayton kissing his mate." He said smirking and I rolled my eyes playfully. I gave Drew a pointed look and he looked at his feet under my gaze.

"That's not even-hey who's the new guy?" I heard Mike say and I smirked at Drew as Mike's nosey self walked over.

"What's up man?" Mike said and gave Drew a once over. I chuckled as Drew kept trying to sneak glances at Dalton but part of me was worried.

Dalton wasn't gay. Well maybe he was? That's how things work right? How can he be Drew's mate if he isn't?

Dalton moseyed over to me and I saw his eyes widen some as he looked at Drew. He paused and shuddered then stood beside me. We walked on and my parents whispered together.

Drew suddenly stopped and pulled off his shirt revealing a nice six pack. He stretched and gave me a soft smile.

"Luna can you help me out of my clothes when I shift?" Drew asked and I nodded.

"Of course Drew." I said and he crouched and after a few bone cracking moments he'd shifted into a lovely brown wolf. He bowed in front of me and I helped him get out of his pants and boxers and he shook himself and licked my hand gratefully. He looked over at Dalton and he whined in longing.

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