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PREPARE TO BE AMAZED!... Or get some tissues...

Jk I don't even know if you will just...

Just read please...

Yeah... welp...

I'll go now...

I woke up and was instantly blinded by white light again. I blinked and groaned.

"She's awake." A voice hissed. My eyes looked around lazily.

A sudden pain coursed through me and I gasped and clenched my teeth.

"I told you imbeciles the birthing would wake her." A female's voice said and I looked around to notice a woman standing beside me. I was in what looked like a hospital bed in a clinic room. I frowned in confusion and surprise at my rather big stomach.

"You were out for about three months dear. The baby's coming." The woman said and panic flooded through me.

"Three months?" I asked and she nodded.

"Dominic thought it best you rest and build up your strength for the birthing. Which I think was pointless. Everyone knows a she-wolf has never died giving birth its supposed to be impossible for such a thing." The woman I now knew was a vampire said with a shake of her head.

I was almost positive I was about to start hyperventilating. Another contraction hit me and I winced.

"Have you heard of Clayton?" I asked softly and I thought I saw pity flash in the woman's eyes.

"The Blood Wolf still searches for his mate. He's killed a few... maybe fifty-three? He returns to his pack during the day and hunts at night for you. According to what we've heard." She sighed.

"Fifty-three?" I repeated in shock.

The woman nodded and sighed, "Now focus; this baby wants out." She said and I bit my lip at another contraction. I nodded stiffly and she nodded to the others telling them to get some things. I wasn't really listening.

The woman noticed my discomfort and stepped to the base of the bed. She grabbed my legs gently and moved them so they were apart. She pushed the gown I wore up and looked between my legs. After a moment she glanced back at me.

"Okay honey now you're going to have to give me a really good push okay?" She said and I nodded softly. Another contraction hit me and I bit my lip.

"Push." She said and I took a deep breath before the painstaking task.


I groaned and laid my head back onto the pillow. I was sweating and sore.

A cry made me instantly perk up and I looked at the woman washing off my baby. I growled softly as she smiled at my child.

"It's a boy." She said and brought him over to me after she wrapped him in a blanket. I whined softly and tears pooled in my eyes. My son...

I reached out and she placed him in my arms. I brought him to me and he cooed and his little hands gripped my breasts. He wouldn't move his little hands and I smiled. Just like his father. The thought made my heart twist.

Her Wolf AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now