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Youth - by Daughter 🎵

This song kept playing in my head while I wrote this.

WARNING: this chapter holds graphic scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

I watched my parents drive away with a frown. They sure were in a rush... they didn't even really acknowledge me.

"Katlyn." I turned my head to see Harper and Ace standing at the door.

"We have to tell you something..." Ace began as Clay and I walked toward them.


I stared at them in shock. This couldn't be.

"Hunters? My parents?" I asked and the two nodded. We were in Clayton's office just me, Clay, and Harper and Ace.

Clayton growled, "How did I not see it?" He paced around the room.

"Why didn't they tell me?" I thought aloud and Clayton growled.

"Would you have joined them?" He said giving me a stern look and I frowned.

"I'd like to think not." I said and Ace cut in.

"You're not connected with your Hunter side, but if it were to awaken... You probably would. Especially if they do a Reversion." He said and shook his head sadly.

"We'll do what we can to protect you Kate, but there's still a war at our doorstep." Harper said and I nodded.

"This can wait. Right now focus on the big priority." I said and everything calmed some.


"Run dammit!" Nathan snarled barreling into a young wolf and pushing him out of the way of a tank shell. Dirt and debris flew up in an eruption as the shell only made contact with the earth. My ears rang at the sound.

This was the fifteenth battle in ten months. The humans were relentless. Luckily we'd had no casualties on our side.

"Watch it!" A bark rang out as I tore into some soldiers neck. He slumped down at my paws and I flung his dead body away.

"My people back up!" I ordered before lightning struck from above and fire raged through the humans defensive lines.

"Shoot them down!" I heard a yell and then many guns going off. I hissed in pain as one grazed me.

"The bullets have wolfsbane!" I called out and snarled as I saw wolves dropping to the ground.

My eyes scanned around and my heart started racing.

"Where's Clayton?" I howled and Xavier looked over as he ripped a man's head off. He dropped the head and looked around before pausing.

I followed his gaze and froze when I saw a black wolf struggling to stand only to fall and shift. Clayton.

I practicality flew over to him and my eyes clouded with tears as I saw blood oozing from a bullet wound in his chest. I shifted.

Yeah we were both naked. Who gives two fucks? Nudity didn't matter in this situation... I just wanted my Clayton to be okay.

"I'm not going to make it." He gasped and I frowned. My heart cracked a bit.

"We're immortal." I said desperately. He shook his head.

"Wolfsbane to the heart... everything has a catch." He wheezed and managed a smile. My heart clenched. I shook my head.

"No you're gonna be okay." I whimpered and he sighed. Tears flooded down my cheeks.

His hand went up to cup my cheek and he looked into my eyes, "To pretty to cry..." he sighed and his hand fell. His golden eyes looked into mine as fought for breath... then he just stopped. His eyes lost their glow.

"No..." I whimpered and cupped his face. My head shook back and forth.

"Clay?" I whispered feeling tears run down heavy. His skin cooled.

"Clayton." I cried. My heart twisted and I clutched his shoulders and cried against his chest. I looked up at the sky.

"Clayton!" I wailed and screamed his name over and over as tears poured out of my eyes. This couldn't be happening. I can't loose him too.

"No..." I sobbed and hugged his lifeless body.

I pulled away as a hand laid on my shoulder. I looked over to see Eli and Alex. They knelt beside me and hugged me as I cried for my mate. I looked over and saw Lexi sobbing against Michael and Dalton and Drew watched with sad eyes.

"It'll be-" Alex began but I pushed them away.

"Don't you dare say it'll be okay! Don't you dare! It's not okay! Clayton's dead!" I screamed and glared at the human army.

"Leave dammit! This war is over! If you don't leave now I sweat by everything holy I'll kill you!" I snarled and the army faltered. Some held sympathetic looks and some nodded but others frowned.

"Now hold on a second. You don't tell us what to do you-" General Hawkins started and I snarled and shifted. In the blink of an eye I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. His screams fell on deaf ears as I ripped him limb from limb and scattered his pieces around.

His blood and brains stained my white fur as I finished by crushing his skull in my jaws then spatting out his remains. I looked back at the army and snarled.

One guy vomited. I didn't blame him for it.

I shifted back and wiped the blood from my mouth.

"Leave now!" I ordered and the army didn't hesitate in retreating. As soon as they were gone my façade broke.

"Clayton!" I screamed and crouched beside him again. I held him close to me and sobbed.

"Clayton... My Clayton..." I whimpered and kissed his forehead. I took in a shaky breath and closed his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whispered as I laid my head on his bloody chest.

Others whined and cried around me as they found that there loved ones were gone as well, lost in battle. Everyone began to crowd around assessing the wounded and casting me glances.

No one really knew what to do... We'd won but... this felt like only a loss.

I'll update again soon!

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I feel like a horrible person for writing that...

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