Chapter Six:

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I am hanging out with the gang. We have just been making small talk for the most part. " Hey so did you guys know that Miss. Morgan has a son and a daughter?"

" No. How did you find out?" Jake ask.

" Because they got dropped off to her before art club. They are acutely really good kids. I got to play with them while she was getting ready for the club."

" Oh watch it. You are already playing momma which won't end good." Becca says jokingly.

" Dude it ain't even like that."

" Yeah so shut up and leave her alone." Jasie says. Her sister rolls her eyes at her.


It is two days later. I am helping Miss. Morgan get things ready for art club. We have it one more time this week. We have decided on having club on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

I am setting up all the supplies on the desks. Once I am done everyone comes in. After everyone is sitting Miss. Morgan says, " Ok we are going to be having a carnival soon. Until then we will be focusing on making stuff to sell and as prizes for it. If you need any help Emily or I will help you."

" Can I do like the funny drawings of people at the carnival. Those things normally sell vary well." A boy ask.

" Yes you can but you still need to make other things for the carnival until then." He nods and gets to work.

After club is over I help clean up all of the supplies.

After we have everything cleaned up we leave. We walk back to the dorm together. I go up to my room and get changed. After I get dressed I hear a knock on my door. I open it and it is Jasie. I invite her in. I sit on my bed and put on a movie. She lays on my lap while watching the movie with me. I really wish she was my little sister because she would make an amazing one. I don't see why Becca is so mean to her.

After the movie we go downstairs to get some snacks from the common courtiers. Dustine is running around with Crystal in his arms. He stops when he sees me. He runs up and gives me a hug. Jasie looks at them like they are crazy. " Who's kids are these? Why do they act like they know you?"

" They are Miss. Morgan's. Dustie does your mom know where you guys are?"

He shakes his head no. I take Crystal from him. " I will be back. I have to take the kids to their mommy."

I take Dustie's hand and walk to Miss. Morgan room. I knock on the door. She opens it with fear in her eyes. " Omg where did you find them? I have been looking everywhere."

" They were in the common courtiers. Dustine said you didn't know where they were so I brought them back to you."

" Thank you thank you thank you. I was going crazy. Dustine Morgan you know better then to take off with your sister. Thank you again Emily."

" It really is no problem Miss. Morgan."

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