Chapter eight:

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Jasie and I are hanging out in my room. We are alone and are watching a movie. The movie is a romantic one. Jasie had picked it out for us to watch. She is laying in my lap and I am playing with her hair like always. She looks up at me and says, " I like you."

" I like you too."

" No I really really like you."

" You are awesome." She sits up and kisses me.

I push her off. " What the hell are you doing."

" I said I really really liked you and you said that I'm awesome."

" Yeah you are awesome in the sister way Jasie. I look at you like a little sister."

" Wow that hurts." She runs out crying.

I decide to get up and go to where they are setting up the carnival. When I get there Miss. Morgan is already there. She is making sure that everything is being put in the right place. I walk up to her. " Can I help with anything?"

" Yeah you can help me by making sure they are putting everything in the right place."

I nod and help her tell the workers where everything goes. Not long after they are done and they leave.


It is the first day of the weekend which is also the first day of the carnival. Becca and Jake come and ask if I want to go. I say sure. I change really fast and then we leave. I wonder if Jasie will be meeting us. I hope not because I don't want it to be weird. The other two would pick up on it. I wonder if that is why Becca always rolled her eyes at Jasie. If that was the case then Jasie has liked me for a long time.

When we get to the carnival Jasie is waiting for us. I tell everyone that I just want to hangout with myself. They are ok with it. They walk away. I go and buy my tickets. After I do Dustie runs up to me. He gives me a hug and I hug him back. " Mommy look who I found. Can we hang out with her?"

" I'm sure that she has other people to hang out with."

" Actually I don't."

" Ok then let's go and enjoy our day." She says. When we pass by the guy drawing pictures Dustie ask for me to get one with him and Crystal. I agree and pay for it. I then pay for Miss. Morgan to get one with her kids. She thanks me and I just nod.


After an amazing day I am back in my room. I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it. It is my dad's girlfriend. " I'm really not in the mood for you. Can you please leave?"

" No I didn't drive all this way for nothing. I have your money but first make me cum."

" No keep the money." I try to close the door but she slips in. She forces me onto my bed.

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