Dear Edmund:

A teacher was walking by at that moment, and when I called her she smiled and waved. I would have laughed Edmund, if I could have. But then she noticed what was going on.
"I-I don't feel so well teacher, please"
My voice sounded airy and desperate, and she ran, and I knew she was going to get help. But I also knew that they wouldn't be able to do much. I think I just needed comfort.
The strange thing Edmund, is that I wasn't afraid at all, I knew what was going to happen, and I decided to just let it.
They rushed back, a handful of teachers, by then the world was spinning, I was lying completely on the floor, and I wished it would hurry up, the fainting, it was far too slow and torturous.
The students had started to pour out of the classrooms by now, and a few stopped to look while the teachers desperately tried to wake me up. I saw a girl smile, that bitch, or maybe my vision was too distorted at that point. But while I got rubbed on the face and neck with alcohol, something happened, and three guys came to my rescue. What the hell. I recognized one, and only saw two, but I was later told there were three, two of which were hot, I didn't recognize their names, and just let my friends fawn over the scene.
But I heard one first.
"It's too hot" I whimpered "my-my sweater, It's too hot, take it off" I shook and tugged at my sleeves, he helped me because the teacher was in too much panic to take the damn thing off.
"The sweater, take it off" he said and the teacher tried to sit me up, she was shaking too. I whimpered again. The boy huffed and took it off for me.
The second one helped me get up, and I did recognize him, school hottie and basketball icon, besides you. He was in the same school as me in middle school and my mom and his were friends, plus he rides the bus with me.
I didn't want to ride the bus with him again, the fainting girl.
This is the only image I remember clearly from the experience, along with the twisting hallway. His face, etched with a concerned frown. His mouth slightly parted in worry, maybe he was saying something, maybe he wasn't. His arms were extended towards me, he was about to pick me up. And in the middle of a bright background of turning colored light he looked angelic. I laughed at this later, I don't think he is that attractive, but at that moment he was angelic.
And as they picked me up and put me in a wheelchair I wished it was you, with the angelic colorful halo, in the middle of a crowd, helping the fainting girl.

Letters to EdmundWhere stories live. Discover now