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Dear Edmund:

We are both nervous, when it comes to crowds, although you seem to handle it better, You get stage fright when we do a class project, I get stage fright when I talk to my friends.

So when the English teacher announced that our class project was to be presented in front of the whole class you can imagine my panic. I could imagine yours, when you put your head between your hands and let out a stressed sigh, one I could see from the other side of the room.

We had to pick numbers, and the teacher gave us the topic, I picked 24, you picked 25, my topic was video games, yours was Twitter.

Three entire minutes of talking about things we really didn't want to talk about.

And we joked, and maybe it's funnier now, the fact that we joked about fainting. Right then in the middle of the presentation. And you said Edmund, and you were only half joking, you promised, that you would sit in the front row, you promised, that you would catch me if I fell.

You didn't.

Letters to EdmundWhere stories live. Discover now