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Dear Edmund:

Okay, so maybe I was complaining, about not being in the classroom's chat group. And don't get me wrong, I really have no desire to be in the group, dumb inside jokes and all that.

But the homework is always posted there, and other important stuff too.

And I'm sorry Edmund, because you are the only one I can ask. And I feel like sometimes I bother you too much, always asking about stuff I should know but I don't because I'm not in the stupid freaking chat group.

And you laugh at me, and with a nonchalant shrug you ask for my number. To ask them to add my contact to the group. You asked for my number Edmund, goddammit.

And I swear to god I almost squealed right then and there. But I didn't.

And now I'm in the chat group, and now you have my number.

Letters to EdmundWhere stories live. Discover now