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"Please excuse me and our guests," Krakle told his parents. "I would like to spend some time with them."

"You are excused, Krakle and the two girls." Daddy Burst said roughly. Then Krakle, Molly and I went to Krakle's room for the night.

"What do you want to talk about?" I questioned the Dragon.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to get away from Dad and Kaelyn. Everything... everything just seems wrong. Dad and my sister have been acting weird ever since the summer solstice. Kaelyn stopped acting lighthearted and dad just became Mr. Grumpy. I just want to make sure they are okay." Krakle sighed

"I'm sure they are fine. If they weren't feeling good they would tell you and your mom. If you feel you really need to know if they are okay, you could just ask them." I assured him.

"I think i'll do that tomorrow. Thank you Fawn." He said with relief. I nodded.

"Good Night!" Everyone said and they went to sleep, not knowing what would happen. Two would be gone by sunrise and one would be all alone.

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